Maher asks Michael Moore when he has "reflections". on weapons now that "Fascism is coming to America"


Liberal talk show host Bill Maher on Friday asked director Michael Moore if Moore had rethought his position on gun control after President Trump Donald John TrumpMike Huckabee: If Trump appointed Moses to the Supreme Court, Dems to be unfortunate trump administrator likely to detain migrant families for months during immigration proceedings: ICE chief report to protesters: We are not the ones who separate families election [19659003].

Talking about the Trump administration, the HBO host asked Moore about "Real Time with Bill Maher" if "fascism" arriving in America had affected the views expressed by Moore in his 2002 documentary " Bowling for Columbine. "

"You know, I was going to ask you, about" Bowling For Columbine, "about guns," says Maher.

"Now that fascism is coming to America, and that their camp has all the guns. "He asked," Seventy-eight percent of Americans do not have firearms, "says Moore," 1965, and they are all liberals, " replied Maher.

"There are 7 million Americans who own 160 million weapons," Moore continued. "They stored them, it's the elephant in the room regarding the discussion of what we will all do, put our bodies at stake, what does it really mean "

Moore added that high figures Hillary Diane Rodham ClintonRosenstein felt used by the White House in Comey: report Democrats can embrace voters swinging goodbye to progressive voting Attack Harley Davidson not the solution to make the day. America great supporters in 2016, who warned of the possible violence of Trump supporters on his expected victory.

"People who voted for Hillary were afraid that she would win, because of, he told my second amendment people that it's going to be a rigged election, arms your guns, get ready. called for an armed revolt if Hillary won, "said Moore.

Moore went on to claim that the civil war "would have already occurred" if Trump had won the popular vote, but lost the electoral college. Frequently accused his opponent, Clinton, of dirty tricks and his predecessor, former President Obama, of "rigging" the 2016 elections in the weeks and months leading up to the November vote.

"You must have every one of your friends Everybody must come out of your family, everyone has to go out and look, and go vote," Trump told a crowd in Akron, Ohio, in August the same year. [19659005] "And when I say look, you know what I'm talking about, you know what I'm taking, I think you have to go out and you have to look." s, id) {
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