Maine restaurant wants to use marijuana to kill lobsters with humanity


Do you want to kill lobster humanly? Order it cooked. Well, it's actually steam, and the caring restaurant serving this crustacean announces it as smashed. The legendary Charlotte lobster book in Southwest Harbor, Maine, exposes its lobsters to marijuana smoke before cooking. Mount Desert Islander.

Owner Charlotte Gill explains that she has tested the effects of weed smoke on a lobster named Roscoe, placing lobster in about two inches of water inside a box. covered, then pumping smoke into the liquid. Roscoe then returned to his tank, without restrictive claws, with other lobsters for three weeks, and Gill observed that he had completely softened. Roscoe never once brandished his claws as weapons to his tank mates after the hot-box session. Gill hopes to have a process in place to calm all her lobsters before cooking next season.

The inspiration for this groovy experience comes from Switzerland, which prohibits the practice of boiling live lobsters earlier this year. Before cooking molluscs, the Swiss government suggests stunning methods such as electrocution or stabbing between the eyes. Gill does not like the sound of that: "These are two horrible options," she says to the insular. "If we are going to take a life, we have the responsibility to do it as humanly as possible."

So, from now on, Gill will be smoking her lobsters with her own home – she has a medical caregiver license for marijuana – in order to make sure that they die happy. Her theory is not based on any hard science, and her restaurant is known for her marketing tricks, but she believes that marijuana sedation will result in a smarter meat and give cooks and diners peace of mind. However, she notes that her legendary lobster book is not a supplier of edible products, but not without a wink and a nudge to any potheads that might have a new interest in her restaurant .

"THC breaks down completely by 392 degrees", Gill says to the Islander, "Therefore, we will use both steam and a thermal process that will expose the meat to an extended temperature of 420 degrees, in order to avoid any transfer effects (even if the probability would be literally impossible).

As for Roscoe, he was released and returned to the ocean to thank him for his participation in Gill's study.

• Lobsters "Hot Box" [MDI]• Live boiling lobsters are an act of cruelty, says Switzerland [E]

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