Maintain teachers' struggle for the state


WASHINGTON – According to a recent study by the Learning Policy Institute, with declining enrollments in teacher education programs and high teacher rotation rates, schools across the country are struggling to find qualified instructors.

The non-profit organization has recently highlighted several programs aimed at boosting the recruitment and retention of teachers. Some of these programs are in Arkansas.

Enrollment in teacher education programs is declining, the report says. But most of the teacher shortage is due to turnover, according to the report, citing 2012-2017 data.

Every year, 7.7% of teachers leave the profession. In Arkansas, this figure was only 4.6%, he added.

The shortage of qualified teachers is "a serious problem with districts in almost every state in the country struggling," said Linda Darling-Hammond, president of the Institute.

Since 2015, 40 states have reported shortages of teachers in math, science and special education, she said. Many states have also reported shortages of bilingual teachers and technical and vocational instructors.

To cope with the situation, many districts are turning to teachers who are not regularly certified.

"Last year, when children started attending school, according to state data, teachers in more than 100,000 classes had vacancies and uncertified teachers. "Students of color, students with limited English skills, students from rural areas and high-poverty urban areas, and students from low-income families are the most likely to have under-educated teachers."

The Institute's report coincides with a report on the teacher shortage by the Office of Education Policy at the University of Arkansas.

Titled "Arkansas Teacher Supply," the AU report notes that "the supply of teachers is unequally distributed in Arkansas."

"Schools in rural areas may have more difficulty attracting teachers, as well as schools serving a higher percentage of economically disadvantaged students. Schools that pay lower salaries for teachers may have difficulty recruiting and retaining teachers, "the report adds.

The state had 60,317 people holding educational licenses in 2017-2018, but only 33,228 certified teachers, according to the report, citing data from the Arkansas Department of Education .

The pool of candidates is highest in northwestern Arkansas and in urban and suburban neighborhoods. Rapid growth districts receive many more applications than declining districts, the report notes.

"Some of our districts have a lot of candidates for each position, while others have none or very few. There is a shortage of teachers in some districts, but not in others in this state, "said Sarah C. McKenzie, Executive Director of the AU Office.

There may also be a "shortage of teachers in specific areas," notes the report.

"The request of STEM [science, technology, engineering and math] and teachers of special education are and have outnumbered primary school teachers, English teachers and social scientists, "he said.

Teachers of special education, science and English as a second language are rare in almost every state since 1990, says the AU report, citing data from the National Center for Statistics of education.

In its report, the Learning Policy Institute highlighted Arkansas' programs focused on training future teachers and retaining educators already in the classroom.

The first, Arkansas Teacher Cadets, encourages promising high school students to consider a career in education. Participants take a college-level course introducing them to the teaching profession.

State Senator Joyce Elliott, D-Little Rock, who joined representatives of the institute during a recent conference call putting forward the report, said the purpose of Arkansas Teacher Cadets is to train educators.

"The good thing about this program is that it does not depend on recruitment elsewhere," she said. "If these students grow up, if they learn to teach where they live, we hope they will stay there. Because they usually do it.

Ryan Saunders, one of the authors of the report, said the institute was looking for innovative state programs.

Although it is too early to judge its effectiveness, "we saw this program of teacher cadets as something that was really worth being raised," he said. "We think that states should pay attention to that."

Jeff Dyer, an advisor in the Arkansas Department of Education's Teacher Recruitment and Retention program, says early signs are promising.

More than 500 high school students participated in 58 schools during the 2017-2018 school year, he said.

In all, 8 0 schools participate.

Through Grow Your Own training and recruitment, "you are essentially taking advantage of the talent pool you have in your yard," he said in an interview.

The Institute's report also highlighted an Arkansas program that awards bonuses to teachers who obtain National Council certification.

Under last year's law 937, the highest premiums will be awarded to certified teachers who work in very poor schools in high-poverty districts or high-poverty schools.

Annual incentives of up to $ 10,000 are "an important and carefully designed incentive to increase the number of expert teachers in the most needy schools," the report adds.

Good training and a good salary are the two keys to building a successful faculty, Saunders said.

"It's not a unique solution. It's a comprehensive approach that will really help address shortages for states and the country as a whole, "he added.

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