Maisie Williams joins the animated 3D LOCK series


The iron Throne star Maisie Williams is the latest to join the animated science fiction series gen: LOCK. The series of Rooster Teeth series continues to grow and now includes great young A-listers.

Rooster Teeth, a production company known for its animated series such as RWBY and Red vs blue, brings a new series of 3D animation to science fiction fans with gen: LOCK. The series combines dystopia with giant robots, as a result of a group of young pilots who control weapon-mech robots in a futuristic world war. Earlier this summer it was revealed that David Tennant of Doctor Who and Jessica Jones fame and Michael B. Jordan (Black Panther, Credo) had joined the new Rooster series. Dakota Fanning (L & # 39; psychiatrist), Kōichi Yamadera (Cowboy Bebop), and Lindsay Jones (RWBY) are also the main characters in the series and were among the first actors to join gen: LOCK. Now, Maisie Williams completes the casting.

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Rooster Teeth officially announced the addition of Williams to gen: LOCK at RTX London 2018, its annual convention in the United Kingdom. A new teaser has been released that gave a special insight into the character of Williams, Cammie, an infamous young pirate who is one of the new recruits of the gen: LOCK program. The new teaser featured Tennant's character, Dr. Rufus Weller, describing Cammie's qualifications and trying to convince a colonel to approve Cammie's recruitment. gen: LOCKGray G. Haddock's creator and showrunner spoke enthusiastically about Williams' cast and said:

"Working with Maisie is as fun as possible. Her energy and sense of humor that she brings to Cammie are an absolute delight. I run out of superlatives to describe how well this cast works for the characters, but Maisie really looks like what Cammie does in my head – she's awesome.

In recent years, Rooster Teeth has become a major player in animated entertainment and has attracted more and more big names to every new project. Rooster Teeth has also been involved in improving the animation community in general, by sponsoring projects like the one in 2016, where the company partnered with Chloë Grace Moretz to create a video game series and talk about feminism in the video game community. Meanwhile, its Rooster Teeth animation festival hosted exciting premieres for animated series such as Netflix Castlevania. gen:LOCK marks the culmination of Rooster Teeth's growth, as it combines the company's specialization in animated programming with top-notch talent.

Although Williams is certainly best known for playing Arya Stark The iron Throne, fans will see her in a variety of other large-scale works in the near future. The iron ThroneThe season finale will be broadcast on HBO in 2019, and Williams has completed his final scenes with rebel Arya Stark in July. With The iron Throne In the end, Williams looks to the future and has some solid plans to do, including: gen: LOCK. His other most anticipated project right now is New mutantswhich, despite its late release, still has the potential to be one of the strongest X Men movies to date. Given Williams' workload, it will be exciting to see where the young star will follow her career with interesting genre projects like gen: LOCK.

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gen: LOCK will be created in January 2019 exclusively on rooster teeth.

Source: Rooster's teeth

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