Majority Leader in House Deletes Tweet Saying Soros, Bloomberg and Steyer Are Attempting to Buy Elections


"We can not allow Soros, Steyer and Bloomberg to BUY this election! Get out and vote for the Republican party on November 6. #MAGA," McCarthy wrote in a tweet on Tuesday, before removing a reference to leading donors of causes democratic George Soros. and Tom Steyer and the former Mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg.

Twitter users quickly condemned McCarthy's assertion, claiming that she was insensitive considering that she had intervened just a day after the authorities intercepted what appeared to be a home-made bomb sent to Soros's home in New York.

On Friday in Burlingame, California, a suspicious package was found to Steyer, a hedge fund manager who is campaigning for the dismissal of President Donald Trump, making him one of the 12 political figures and critics of the president. intended recipients of suspicious packages, some home-made bombers, including former President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

McCarthy's director of communications, Matt Sparks, said in a statement to CNN that he also told the Washington Post last week that McCarthy "has always condemned and condemned violence as act of attempted violence ".

"Understanding the particular sensitivity of the past 24 hours in the current political climate that has led to specific threats on both sides of the aisle, we will redouble our efforts on our agenda of results," he said.

The authorities believe that the parcels were sent by Cesar Sayoc, a 56-year-old Florida national and accused on Friday of five federal crimes, including the illegal shipment of explosives, threats against former presidents and other people, and assaults on former and current federal officers.

Soros, a billionaire investor and philanthropist, is frequently the target of right-wing critics for his support of liberal causes. Steyer and Bloomberg have both been politically active.

In response to the discovery of a suspicious package sent to him, Steyer asked for the indictment of Trump.

In a tweet, Steyer wrote, "We are grateful that all the people we work with are safe, we are witnessing a systematic attack on our democracy that goes far beyond an isolated terrorist in Florida. That is why we are launching a petition to dismiss against ending the culture of lawlessness in our country ".

Steyer funded a high-profile campaign for the president's dismissal, using a series of national advertising campaigns and town halls through his "Need to Impeach" organization to get his message across. He also pledged to spend up to $ 120 million at the mid-point in 2018.

Bloomberg, who flirts with a potential presidential bid in 2020, has made considerable donations to Democrats in an effort to help candidates across the country.

In early October, he announced that he was giving $ 20 million to a PAC to overthrow the Senate. And earlier this year, he pledged to spend $ 80 million on Democratic congressional candidates. Last week, he spent an additional $ 10 million on announcements for Democratic candidates in a last minute effort to support the party ahead of next week's midterm elections.

McCarthy's tweet arrived a few days before a man opened fire on a synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on Saturday, killing 11 people and injuring six, including four policemen.

The alleged gunman, Robert Bowers, 46, of Baldwin, Pennsylvania, surrendered to authorities after the Saturday morning shootings at Tree of Life synagogue. According to a federal law enforcement official, he made anti-Semitic statements during and after the shooting and targeted Jews on social media.

Responding to the shooting on his Twitter account on Saturday afternoon, McCarthy called the attack "hateful" and said it was "perpetrated by anti-Semitism and hate".

"May the grace of God be with the victims and their families," he wrote.

During an interview on Sunday on "Meet the Press," moderator Chuck Todd interviewed Ohio representative Steve Stivers, chairman of the National Republican Congress Committee, about "The World". an ad broadcast by the House GOP campaign group in Minnesota in order to link Soros to Dan Feehan. a candidate for the Democratic House in the state.

An announcement, published before the discovery of the device sent to Soros, binds an employer from Feehan to Soros claiming that he had helped fund it and therefore to Feehan.

Stivers defended the advertising by the "factual" caller.

"Our independent spending arm is independent, but this advertising is factual, and it has nothing to do with the call for violence, this advertisement is factual," he told the newspaper. American animator Chuck Todd.

Asked Sunday on McCarthy's tweet about Soros, Steyer and Bloomberg, California Democrat representative Adam Schiff, Jewish, told CNN's Jake Tapper about "The State of the Union" that he did not know what to think about it, but added that he thought the attacks on Soros in particular were motivated by his Jewish faith.

"There are many people who are generous to the Democratic Party," Schiff said. "The fact that it has become a symbol is not an accident.The fact that they proclaim this lie that it finances the caravan is an effort to revive this blood libel, that the Jews bring impurity to the country, they are bringing other people to dilute the purity of the country.

"It's an old hate," he continued. "And it's not a coincidence that they made George Soros the symbol of that, and you see people, from the president, playing this game, candidates from the country playing this game."

Schiff added that antisemitic incidents had increased sharply last year, citing figures from the anti-defamation league.

"It does not come from itself, it's because it's fed, and what we'll have to do to overcome it, is what the mayor talked about," he said. said Schiff, referring to the appeal launched Sunday by Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto. Morning press conference on mass shooting. "And that is to say that it is always a minority of disgusting voices and that they must be drowned under the yoke of our common good."

Steyer said in an interview on the same show that he had interpreted McCarthy's statement as "a direct anti-Semitic action, I think it's a classic attempt to separate the Americans." I think that between absolutely in the category of who I am. " calling it political violence. And I think what we are looking for in America is something completely different from that. "

Ashley Killough and Steve Brusk of CNN contributed to this report.

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