Malawian school receives 1.4 million pounds of Melania Trump


LILONGWE, Malawi – Melania Trump had a different perspective on childrens' education when she visited an African primary school with help from the United States on Thursday, but struggling with more than 8,500 students. Some children learn lessons outdoors, shoulder to shoulder, on a free red dirt.

Ms. Trump visited several outdoor classrooms at Chipala Elementary School in Lilongwe, the capital of Malawi, the second leg of her continent tour in four countries. The school is part of the landlocked country schools that receive education support from the US Agency for International Development, including textbooks.

Ms. Trump was on hand when the US ambassador delivered an additional 1.4 million pounds as part of a US-funded national reading program. Schools in Malawi have received approximately £ 9.6 million under this program in recent years.

"I wanted to be here to see the successful programs that (the) United States offer to children and I thank you for all you have done," said the first American lady at the book donation ceremony, organized in the school library.

"Meeting these kids and understanding their different way of life is why I wanted to travel here," Trump said later. "I was encouraged to spend time with the students and honored to donate school supplies and footballs." The soccer balls as well as the tote bags given to teachers bore the "Be Best" logo. ", The children's wellness initiative that she launched earlier this year and is promoting the trip.

Back in Washington, President Donald Trump tweeted: "The great First Lady of our country, Melania, is doing very well in Africa. People love her and she loves them! It's a beautiful thing to see. "

While the first lady pointed to USAID's work in Africa, the Trump administration tried to cut funding for the agency. In its first two budget proposals, the administration sought to reduce by approximately 30% funding from the State Department and USAID. The widespread bipartisan opposition to the strong Congressional cuts, where budget proposals were largely ignored, thwarted the plans of the administration.

Ms. Trump visited the equivalent of second and third grade classrooms and watched teachers direct their lessons to help young people learn English or the Chichewa language. The school has more than 8,500 students served by 77 teachers.

Bright Masaka, Malawi's Minister of Education, Science and Technology, said Chipala was one of the best schools in his country. He attributed to the partnership between the United States and Malawi a "significant" improvement in reading skills in English and Chichewa.

The first American lady received a happy welcome in Malawi upon arrival at Kamuzu International Airport. She sang and danced by a troop of women and many schoolchildren waving African and Malawian flags. The sounds of uprooted women were heard at each of her public appearances. In southern Africa, ululation – a sound from the mouth – is often a festive welcome on the part of women.

But there were also signs of protest, with President Trump not being unanimously considered a friend of Africa.

Along the way between the school and the ambassador's residence, some whites waved placards. A woman's sign said #MELANIATOO, with the "ME" in bold black. A couple held a sign saying, "Welcome to Malawi. #NOTASHITHOLE! "- a reference to reports earlier this year that the president used the vulgar term to describe African nations.

Another sign said "69 days after the deadline for family reunification". It was a reference to the president's "zero tolerance" immigration policy that had led to the separation of thousands of children from their families while they were trying to to move illegally from Mexico to the United States. Many children remain separated from their families.

Ms. Trump opened her first extended international tour as the first lady on Tuesday in Ghana, a country in West Africa. She has scheduled stops in Kenya and Egypt.


Matthew Lee, a writer with the Associated Press in Washington, contributed to this report.


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