Man accused of murdering a woman the same day he was released from prison


A man is accused of killing a woman the same day he was released from an Arizona jail, authorities said Saturday.

David James Bohart was arrested Friday in a hotel on suspicion of second degree murder in the death of 49-year-old Marika L. Jones. Tucson's police said he found the body of him, wounded with a knife, in a house two days ago, as well as a prison record. records on Bohart.

He was released Monday from the Tucson Penitentiary Complex, where he served a three-year sentence of imprisonment for possession or use of dangerous drugs, the Arizona Prison Services Department website said. An arrest warrant was issued against him when he was not registered in a court-ordered treatment center, police said.

Bohart, 34, remained in jail on Saturday. Online court records do not list any lawyers who may comment on their behalf.

Police said that Jones' body had been found after a man identified as a lawyer for a state officer called by police Wednesday with information about a possible murder at home. The authorities did not disclose the identity of the appellant.

Police said that she was already investigating in the same neighborhood after a man using a fake name, 911, announced that he had just been released from prison and had killed him. girlfriend. The man did not provide an address and the police could not find anything immediately.

Bohart has already served twice in prison, according to the website of the penitentiary department. One concerned a conviction for forgery, and the other a conviction for possession or use of dangerous drugs.

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