Man defends dressing 5-year-old son as Hitler for Halloween


A Kentucky man who wore a Nazi costume and dressed his 5-year-old as Adolf Hitler for a local Halloween event is defending the anti-Semitic outfits by calling himself a history buff.

Goldbach continued, “That’s right. Tonight grown adults threatened a child over his costume. Threatened his mom and dad as well. Threatened to rip his outfit off of him screaming obscenities, scareing a small child. First off, its none of your business. Second, how dare you! I mean How dare you threaten a child. Me, its one thing, but my child? You are messing with fire.”

The father is getting publicly shamed as a “child abuser,” “racist,” and “coward” on Facebook, Reddit, and Twitter.

Goldbach did not return Yahoo Lifestyle’s request for comment.

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