Man faces arson charge in connection with Colorado Wildfire


Authorities arrested a Dane linked to the cause of a destructive fire in southern Colorado that has reached more than 40,000 acres and forced hundreds of residents to flee their homes.

The Costilla County Sheriff's Office classified the fire, known as the Spring Fire, as "the man caused" and stated that the deputies had arrested Jesper Joergensen, 52, on charges of arson, he said in a Saturday Facebook post

clarified that the person they had detained had not intentionally lit the fire. They did not provide any other details and sheriff officials were not immediately available for further comments.

In a statement, Immigration and Customs Enforcement stated that Mr. Joergensen was a resident of Denmark. The agency said it placed an immigration detainee on him Thursday after his arrest. It was not clear when he had a lawyer

Jesper Joergensen was indicted by Colorado police for arson. Credit Costilla County Sheriff's Office

The fire that began Wednesday, near Fort Garland, Colorado, 250 miles south of Denver, raged for days and razed an undetermined number of structures.

"It's a very difficult fire, I'll be honest with you, with all the wind changes," Shane Greer, an incident commander told residents Sunday. "We have not been able to pursue it because it continues in at least three different directions.Every time we turn, it changes and moves."

Yet, spring fire is the only one second largest of about 10 wildfires across the state. The 416 fire, about 175 miles to the west, burned over 47,000 acres in June and was contained 37 percent late Saturday.

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