Man who has taken an overdose of drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction can only see red


A man now has a permanent red tinge to his vision after taking too much medicine for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

The bizarre story of this 31-year-old unidentified man, described in detail in the September Retinal Cases and Brief Report cases, began after the online purchase of a liquid form of sildenafil citrate, commonly known as sildenafil citrate. called Viagra.

It turns out that he drank a lot more than the recommended dose of 50 mg and began to see a red hue and flashes of light. Previous studies have shown that the substance can cause side effects such as blurred vision and increased sensitivity to light. And while the lightning disappeared the next day, his red vision persisted.

Two days later, he would have gone for treatment at the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary emergency clinic.

The doctors examined the patient's eyes and found that the drug had permanently damaged the cells in his retina controlling the color treatment and had diagnosed him with retinal toxicity.

According to the medical journal, his symptoms tinged with red have not disappeared after a year, although he has been given steroids to treat his injuries to the eye.

Lead investigator Richard Rosen, MD, also said the patient may have consumed unknown contaminants because he had bought the drug online without a prescription. Previous studies have shown that overdose of sildenafil citrate may result in temporary changes in vision, but this is the first case in which the drug has caused irreversible eye damage.

"People adhere to the following philosophy: if a little, that's good, a lot, it's better," wrote Rosen, director of retinal services at the Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mt. New York Sinai. "This study shows how a large dose of a commonly used drug can be dangerous. People who depend on a colorful vision for their livelihood must understand that over-misusing could have a lasting impact on this drug. "

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