Man who lost hands, legs to dog infection still love dogs


A man in Wisconsin who lost his hands and legs after contracting a rare dog-related infection says the incident will not stop him from being there.

"I can not stop loving dogs because it happened," Greg Manteufel told CNN. "I will always love dogs."

When Manteufel arrived at Froedtert Hospital in Wisconsin in June, parts of his face, chest and arms changed color because of what doctors eventually diagnosed as a blood infection due to Capnocytophaga canimorsus. The bacterium, which is commonly found in the mouths of cats and dogs and which can spread by biting or licking in the animal, can in rare cases lead to serious complications, including sepsis and rapid coagulation of the blood.

Manteufel's infection subsided rather quickly, but it caused such poor circulation that he developed gangrene or tissue death that required amputations, his doctor Silvia Munoz-Price told CNN.

It is unclear why Manteufel, a healthy 48-year-old man, developed the complications he suffered, Munoz-Price told CNN. But his wife told Washington To post In August, Manteufel, a dog lover, was around several dogs – including his own 8-year-old pit bull – at the time of infection, which led doctors to believe that a dog was responsible .

Just like Manteufel, Munoz-Price said the situation should not scare dog lovers by giving them a pet.

"I have a dog," she told CNN. "Many people have dogs, and most of us will never have any problems with our pet's infections."

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