Man with links to the Bonanno family shot in Botcha NYC Hit shot at the camera: Sources


What you need to know

  • A man was seriously injured after a gunman hit him with several bullets during a shootout in the Bronx on Wednesday, according to the police

  • . a man with ties to the Bonanno family

  • No arrests were made and the police exhorted the witnesses to call Crime Stoppers

A man with ties to the Bonanno family was almost killed in A failed bombing A rain of gunfire on a Bronx street in broad daylight, familiarity forces with the case say NBC 4 New York.

The attack took place around 6.30 am on Wednesday as the gunman opened fire on Salvatore Zottola, 41, at Throgs Neck, near Tierney Place and Locust Point Drive. Zottola was hit by several bullets in his chest and hand; He also suffered head injuries, police said.

A video of the scene released Thursday by the NYPD shows the shooter's first shot at the victim, identified by sources like Zottola, from a moving car. Zottola is then seen in the grainy surveillance video trying to hide behind a van before the suspect jumps out of the car, fires several more times and runs off into the red sedan.

The victim was taken to a hospital where he is in critical but stable condition, the authorities said. Sources told News 4 that Zottola's father was arrested in June after apparently shooting a man who shot him a gun outside his home. Both men have been linked to the Bonanno criminal family in the past.

It was not clear if Wednesday's attack was related to the alleged shooting of Zottola's father.

Police said the suspect's escape vehicle was a red Nissan with yellow license plates. According to officials, it was someone else who was flying, not the shooter.

No arrests occurred. Police are urging witnesses to give advice on Crime Stoppers.

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