Manage hypertension with faith | HealthCentral


High blood pressure is a serious problem in the African-American community: according to the American Heart Association, the rates of high blood pressure among African Americans are among the highest in the world. In a study conducted at the New York University School of Medicine (NYU), programs designed to lower blood pressure through lifestyle interventions and presented in communities African American churches have resulted in a greater reduction in blood pressure than other educational programs.

Researchers at the University of New York collected data from 373 African-Americans diagnosed with hypertension and uncontrolled blood pressure in 32 New York churches between 2010 and 2014. The study was divided into two groups and evaluated by researchers at six and nine months.

For three months, a group attended weekly 90-minute group sessions focused on healthy lifestyles, as well as monthly motivational sessions led by health workers from the ecclesial community including discussions on prayer, the scriptures, and health. The other group (witnesses) attended a session on hypertension management and weekly health information sessions led by medical experts.

After six months, study participants in the first group had an average reduction of 5.8 mmHg in systolic blood pressure (the highest) compared to the control group. At nine months, the first group had better control of blood pressure, but this difference was not statistically significant, according to the researchers.

Source: Circulation: quality and cardiovascular outcomes

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