Manchin used the Heimlich merry-go-round on McCaskill at the caucus luncheon


Sen. Joe ManchinJoseph (Joe) ManchinThe Hill & # 39; s Morning Report – Sponsored by PhRMA – Trump Caves Under Huge Pressure – And Now? Countdown to the elections: The family separation policy can haunt the GOP in November | Why Republican candidates prepare for surprises | House Dems raking in the record may carry | The advertising of 'Dumpster fire & # 39; becomes viral Manchin up 9 points over the GOP challenger at W.Va. (D-W.Va.) Used the Heimlich maneuver on Sen. Claire McCaskillClaire Conner McCaskill Executive Nail Who Voted For Trump Blame For Layoffs, Demands The Help Of Democrats The US Economy Is Stronger Than Ever Six Months After The Tax Discounts The Hill & # 39; s Morning Report – Sponsored by PhRMA (D-Mo.) At a luncheon with Senate Democrats Thursday after she began to choke, resulting in McCaskill getting a cracked rib.

The Washington Post reported that McCaskill told attendees at a NAACP dinner in Missouri that she would not be hugging supporters after suffering the rib injury.

McCaskill's office confirmed the episode at The Hill, and the senator expressed gratitude for his colleague's actions.

"I'm really grateful to Joe – a little stomach ache for a few weeks is not a big deal," McCaskill said, according to his spokesman.

A spokesman for Manchin told The Washington Post that the West Virginia Senator had given McCaskill the Heimlich maneuver after preventing him from suffocating.

McCaskill then participated in the Senate final votes on Thursday and participated in a campaign event in his home state of Missouri on Saturday.

The two senators face tough reelection battles in their deep red states before the 2018 mid-term elections.

A survey from Monmouth University showed Wednesday that Manchin had 9 points ahead of his Republican opponent, Attorney General Patrick Morrisey.

A poll of the Democratic Senate's Majority PAC also showed that McCaskill was leading his opponent state attorney general Josh Hawley (R) by 6 points.

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