Manny Machado has imposed himself as the villain of this year 's playoffs thanks to not one, not two, but three separate incidents – each more blatant than the other – that push the boundaries of the playoffs. sportsmanship.

After a pair of Questionable in the second goal of match 3 of the national championship series against the Milwaukee Brewers, Machado seemed to deliberately hit the foot of first baseman Jesus Aguilar while reaching the first goal of Game 4.

Maybe if Machado admitted that he was at fault, things might have been upset. But that did not happen.

"If it's dirty, it's dirty, I do not know, call it what you want," Machado said.

For his antics, Machado joins a select group of MLB players who have pushed the idea of ​​"playing the game hard" a little too far.

Our candidates for the Hall of Shame (since 2000):

Manny Machado

Surprise! He was already ready for his meeting with the Oakland A in 2014 as a member of the Baltimore Orioles. Machado did not like the way A's third base player, Josh Donaldson, tagged him in the first game of a three-game series. He waited for the final of the series to play his "revenge".

Machado swayed and missed the ball. The bat slipped him mysteriously away from the hands and went down by helicopter along the line of the third goal. The A had already eliminated Donaldson from the game, but the benches cleared anyway.

Chase Utley

In the 2015 NHL, Utley slipped hard and late into second place to try to split a double play. However, his main target was not the base, but the short-stop of the New York Mets, Ruben Tejada.

Tejada had a broken leg in the collision and Utley was suspended for the third and fourth games. In the spotlight of the playoffs, the incident resulted in a rule change that forced the baserunners to slide directly into the base and not to contact the defensive player. This has been dubbed the "Chase Utley Rule". (This is also the rule raped by Machado in the third game of this year's SNDS.)

Rusty odor

In May 2016, the second baseman of the Texas Rangers was offended by the defeat of Toronto champion Blue Jays Jose Bautista. But there was still lingering tension between the two ALDS teams the year before – when Bautista momentarily knocked down his stick after what turned out to be a winning shot.

When the two players collided on second base, Odor took a swing and came into contact with Bautista's jaw, who removed his helmet and sunglasses. Odor has been suspended for eight games.

Jonathan Papelbon

Speaking of punches, Papelbon never really corresponded to the Washington Nationals when they acquired him at the 2015 deal deadline. However, he sealed his fate by openly criticizing his teammate Bryce Harper for not having missed his balloon.

The two men began shouting at each other and had to be separated after Papelbon had briefly forced Harper to remain in choking. He was suspended for the last four games of the season.

ONE J. Pierzynski

The now retired receiver was one of those players that fans liked to have on their team, but he hated when he played against them. He was known to have slipped hard with his high spikes and to have frequently raced in the first base line to increase the chances of being hit by a throw.

Pierzynski's most infamous game was probably in the second game of the 2005 ALCS when he rocked and missed what would have been the final in the ninth inning. As Los Angeles Angels receiver Josh Paul returned the ball to the mound and the Angels headed for their canoe, Pierzynski rushed to the first goal, saying the ball had touched the ground. Without the benefit of instant replay, he was awarded the first goal, leading to Joe Crede's winning double.

Alex Rodriguez

Although he managed to get some redemption in his broadcast career after retirement, A-Rod had a history of dubious antics on the ground – many of them being extremely lean compared to the others. on this list.

Rodriguez provoked the fury of Dallas Braden, A's pitcher, when he crossed the pitcher's mound to regain the dugout after being knocked out. Braden called him about breaking the protocol: "Let me go!"

As a baseball player, A-Rod has already been accused of shouting against a defensive player who was about to catch an internal fly. However, his signature stunt came in the ALCS 'sixth game of 2004, when he slapped the Red Sox pitcher's glove, Bronson Arroyo, while he was scoring on the way to the first goal. He was called for interference as Boston won the match and made up for his 3-0 deficit to win the series.

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