Manny Machado of the Orioles does not intend to return to the third base in free agency: "I play short"


Manny Machado is back where he feels at home, and he has no intention of leaving him. The Orioles have moved Machado to the shortstop this season after playing at third base for most of his career (52 short-term games between 2015 and 2016, including 45 in 2016) . I do not intend to return to the hot corner.

"I play short," said Machado to Jon Meoli of Baltimore Sun . "It's the position I want to play, that's what I know I can play and produce."

Machado will be an unrestricted free player as the 2019 season approaches, but he is also the fruit of many exchanges this year. He now has 715 third-place career games and 135 short-term games, including 84 this season. His third-place placement percentage for his career is 0.968 against his .952 stop-short percentage. However, the Machado .980 up here would be a career-high for him in percentage if she holds.

"I've been a shortstop all my life," Machado added to Meoli. "I played third place for a few years, I did well and I thought I was an elite player at this post, but at the end of the day, I was a shortstop player for my entire life.

However, while Machado's percentage is above the league average, the Orioles rank below the league average at the stop-short position in the total area. , 28th in MLB), the defensive runs were saved above average (negative-20, last in MLB) and the plus / minus is above average (negative-19, last in MLB). If Machado is to be traded against a competitor, he may have to make compromises for the rest of the season before he is free.

Teams would speak to the Orioles – who are currently dead in LA and almost certainly move Machado by the deadline – include the Phillies, Cardinals, Cubs, Dodgers, Indians, Braves, Diamondbacks and Brewers. With the Phillies and Cardinals listed as favorites, he could still get his wish. If the Indians had it, he would almost certainly need to go back. The Phillies need enough help to stop Machado, but a move to the Cardinals would probably require a return to third place for Machado so that Matt Carpenter could be reinstated early while Jose Martinez stays in the outfield. [19659002Machadopeutfairetoutcequ'ilveutentantqu'agentlibresansrestrictionmaisfairepartied'uneéquipeàladatelimitedeséchangesestunbonchoixIlpeutdevoirfairedesconcessionspourladernièrepartiedecettesaisonmaisdetoutefaçonenlibrearbitreilfaitsesintentionsclairesIlveutêtresignécommeunarrêt-short

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