Many women have seen Kavanaugh wrongly accused, could be "our husbands, our sons": Conway


Kellyanne Conway, adviser to President Trump, said many women considered Brett Kavanaugh to be unfairly accused and "saw in him perhaps our husband, our sons, our cousins, our colleagues, our brothers".

Conway, in an interview with Jonathan Karl, White House correspondent for the White House, Sunday in "This Week" (Sunday), objected to the idea that many people could now see the Judge Kavanaugh as corrupt because he was confirmed before the Supreme Court despite allegations of misconduct and sexual assault against him.

"Many women, including me, in America looked up and saw a man who was, is a [victim of]… assassination of a political character, "said Conway. And, also, we looked up and saw in him maybe our husbands, our sons, our cousins, our colleagues, our brothers. "

Kavanaugh was sworn in as a supreme court judge late Saturday after a tense vote of 50 to 48 in the Senate, which was repeatedly interrupted by protesters shouting in the gallery against the Senate vote to confirm it.

Her appointment was shaken by allegations of sexual misconduct on the part of high school and college. Christine Blasey Ford claimed to have sexually assaulted her at a small party at home while she was a teenager in high school. A former classmate from Kavanaugh, Yale University, claimed to have exposed herself to her at an evening at the university where he was drinking.

Kavanaugh firmly and categorically denied all charges of sexual misconduct.

Conway criticized the media for, she said, articulating a general discourse on sexual misconduct in which every woman is a victim.

"Let's stop pretending that there is some moral authority in some, including in your industry," said the president's advisor to Karl. "I did not tell you, but many in your area lost their moral authority to pretend that they were looking for the truth, that they were somehow on a fact-finding mission when." .. they do not even cover his testimony that he has denied under oath that this has happened and that they want every woman to be a victim, that every woman closes her arms and that … every man is an aggressor . "

Conway added, "We can not live in a country where democracy and the First Amendment, respect for procedure, fairness and the presumption of innocence develop" despite such presumptions.

She also stated that no "Supreme Court" candidate had "been as distinguished" as Kavanaugh, with the possible exception of Judge Clarence Thomas, who had also been charged with a "death penalty". sexual misconduct during its confirmation process.

She asserted that Kavanaugh should not be perceived by anyone as "tarnished" given his criminal record as a federal judge and the rigor of the process to uphold it before the High Court.

"He should be perceived as someone who has conducted seven FBI investigations, including last week, another was completed last July, he had answered 1,200 written questions, he had produced about a million pages of documents and was subjected to 33 or 35 hours of sworn testimony in the Senate, "Conway said.

She added, "Thank God, the Supreme Court is a sacrosanct institution that can withstand a lot, and it will withstand the fact that there has been a lot of political machinations" in the confirmation process for Kavanaugh.

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