Mapping the chromatin landscape of human cancers



A new technique has helped researchers find gene switches that could form the basis of new cancer detection techniques and new treatment options.

"class =" caption "data-delta =" 1 "data-fid =" 14629 "data-media-element =" 1 "src =" jpg "title =" Using a new technology called ATAC-seq, scientists have studied the landscape of gene regulation of 23 types of cancer. The work revealed different molecular subtypes of cancers (clusters of colored dots). The dots represent patient samples; the colors represent different cancers. Credit: M.R.Corces et al./<I>Science</I> 2018 "/></p>
<p>Using a new DNA mapping technology to probe hundreds of tumor samples, researchers have discovered half a million "switches" of DNA in 23 types of human cancers.</p>
<p>These switches are responsible for activating and deactivating genes in tumors and could provide important clues to the molecular events at the origin of the disease, said Howard Chang, a researcher at Howard Hughes Medical Institute. (HHMI).</p>
<p>Until now, such DNA switches have been generally inferred indirectly. "Our new technology is changing things," Chang said. It offers researchers a direct way to examine the genome of tumor cells to detect the DNA fragments that cancers could use to alter gene expression.</p>
<p>The work, reported on October 25, 2018, in the newspaper <em>Science</em>, represents the biggest effort ever made to describe the complete collection of DNA switches in cancer cells from patient samples. It offers a wealth of information to scientists trying to advance diagnosis and therapy, says Chang, a geneticist from Stanford University.</p>
<p>"These data could be a fundamental resource for the cancer research community," he said.</p>
<h2>Unpack the cancer genes</h2>
<p>About six and a half feet of DNA is contained in the 10 micron diameter core of each cell. To integrate in this small space, DNA wraps around proteins, forming a compact structure called chromatin.</p>
<div class=types of human cancer

Scientists have discovered 563,000 DNA switches in 23 types of cancer, including breast (BRCA), skin (SKCM) and lung (MESO, LUAD and LUSC). Credit: M.R.Corces et al./Science 2018

Cellular machinery can only access exposed DNA fragments, not hidden elements in the chromatin. This machine controls which genes are transformed into proteins, using "switches" DNA to activate / deactivate the genes.

Sometimes, however, this switching goes wrong and the genes stay on for too long – or are turned off at the wrong time. Such errors can shake cells and put them on the path to cancer.

The Chang team wanted to list all these DNA switches to better understand all the molecular aberrations related to cancer. Researchers have developed a technology called ATAC-seq (transposase-accessible chromatin assay using sequencing), analogous to spray-painted DNA, explains Chang. The "paint" only highlights the regions accessible to the cellular machines – not the DNA hidden in the chromatin. This gives scientists a way to see exactly which parts of the DNA are active.

ATAC-seq works well on tissue samples, even microscopic, but it was not a guarantee. Years ago, while developing the technology, Chang and his team wanted to modify expensive equipment, a specialized microfluidic station for handling individual cells costing about $ 160,000. The potential reward was high: the ability to "read" chromatin on tumor tissue samples would be a technological breakthrough. But the risk was also the same: tinkering with the material could destroy it completely.

The possibility of this disaster made it difficult to finance Chang's project, he recalls. HHMI, however, tried its luck by allowing the development of technology in 2014.

"This investment was critical," says Chang.

A series of switches

Since 2005, a global consortium of researchers called the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) has been trying to understand the molecular basis of cancer. The work of the consortium has now focused on the discovery of regulatory elements (DNA switches) contributing to the disease.

"class =" caption "src =" "style =" width: 715px; height: 399px; "title =" In humans, hereditary variation of the genome and genetic modifications (somatic mutations) can lead to new "DNA switches" (red peak on the left) that activate and deactivate genes. Cancers can cooperate with these switches by using proteins (purple blob) to activate cancer genes. "Ref" refers to the "reference" version of a DNA extract present in a population; "Var" refers to a variant of this DNA. Credit: M.R.Corces et al./<I>Science</I> 2018 "/></p>
<p>It's a thorny problem because cancer is very complex, explains Chang. Pollution and other environmental damage can trigger illness and people respond differently to different triggers. Cancers also exhibit varying degrees of aggressiveness and different tumors do not always respond in the same way to treatment. This wide variation between different types of cancers stems in part from differences in DNA switches, also known as "gene regulation landscape".</p>
<p>Chang and his colleagues used ATAC-seq to probe this landscape in 410 cancer samples, including breast, kidney, thyroid, lung and 19 other primary cancers. The Chang team discovered nearly 563,000 DNA switches that regulated cell activity in a tumor. "On this collection of half a million switches, nearly 40% of them have not been seen in previous investigations of DNA switches in normal tissues", Chang said.</p>
<p>The ATAC-seq also let the researchers act quickly – they started working on TCGA samples in early 2017 and completed the analysis in just 18 months. The mapping also revealed a new aggressive subtype of kidney cancer and suggested that cancer may even reveal new DNA switches in the genome.</p>
<p>As the work has generated many new DNA targets, the data could help scientists study new cancer treatments and diagnoses. Knowing which genetic switches have been incorrectly reversed could provide important insights into what's wrong with a particular tumor, says Chang. This could be a first step towards solving the problem, he adds.</p>
<p>Mr. Ryan Corces, et al. "Chromatin accessibility landscape of primary human cancers." <em>Science</em>. Posted online 25th October 2018. doi: 10.1126 / science.aav1898</p>
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