Marc Jacobs posts long apologies for starting a fashion show an hour late


Designer Marc Jacobs on Thursday offered long apologies to the fashion world for the end of his parade in New York.

On Instagram, Jacobs released a cheeky picture of her face imposed on the white rabbit by "Alice in Wonderland" on the famous quote of the character saying "I was late, I was in late … for a very important appointment.

Jacobs then wrote, "I sincerely apologize to all those who have been inconvenienced by my delay to our Spring / Summer 2019 Parade. For anyone interested, you will not find below a list of excuses but rather a list of facts. I fully understand that people have projects, lives, commitments, flights, families to go back to, etc. and that I fully respect. "

He stated that "I have heard, read and reflected on your frustration, your anger and your indignation. If you choose to read the following, I hope you can find your own place of understanding.

At 6 pm The parade began nearly an hour and a half later on Wednesday, causing some fashion editors to leave the show before he started going to other events, including a parade lingerie Rihanna in Brooklyn. There were even rumors that Anna Wintour had left, but she had just temporarily left her seat during the delay. Jacobs shows have been known in recent years to be very punctual, having cheated with publishers years ago with usually late shows.

But on Thursday, Jacobs explained in his post that he expected his last show to start on the night before. He then went through a timeline of what happened the next day, never naming the real reason for the failure. "After years spent beyond punctuality and again, with the intention of staying that way, the fact is that we are always waiting with fewer and fewer resources. It does not concern me personally or as a society. I learned that I had to adapt to our realities, "he wrote.

And, "I thought we could do all that was necessary for this show with the circumstances we were facing. I was wrong. "

But he thought, "With our shows, I'm always striving to present 7 to 10 minutes of live fashion theater that will hopefully make some kind of statement or touch the audience in a way both aesthetic and emotional. I think we all need to be a little more sensitive and flexible in the face of the fragility of the lived experience. "

There were even rumors that Jacobs was organizing the show to defeat his rival Rihanna's schedule. But staff members reportedly said the problems were due to "irregular delivery of clothing, probably caught in peak traffic, aggravated by rain".

Whatever the case may be, her clothes have been touted as the best fashion week in the end.

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