WASHINGTON – An interview with Senator Marco Rubio on the outside an audience centered on social media On Wednesday, far right conspiracy theorist Alex Jones repeatedly interrupted the Florida Republican and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Do not touch me anymore, man," Rubio told Jones, who runs the Infowars conspiracy site. "I'm asking you not to touch me anymore."

"I caressed you gently," replied Jones. "What, do you want me to be arrested?"

Rubio retorted, "You're not going to be arrested, I'll take care of you myself."

The video of the exchange was captured on Periscope by Cassandra Fairbanks of Gateway Pundit, a conservative website, and was widely broadcast on social media. Before the exchange, Jones was heard several times to interrupt Rubio's answers to reporters' questions.

Jones attended a hearing of the Senate commission charged with determining whether Facebook and Twitter had done enough to counter the influence of foreign actors on their websites, including Russia, who are trying to influence the US elections. . Technical executives have also been confronted with questions about companies trying to silence conservative voices on their platforms.

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