Marijuana addiction "is on the rise" and this is probably due to the super-strong skunk


The addiction to smoking from the grass is a real thing – and it's rising in America, experts have warned.

In most states that have legalized grass, there has been little change in the amount of cigarettes that people smoke.

But in California, there are signs that addiction is on the rise, experts said at the Washington Post.

Marijuana addiction has real symptoms, experts say, including withdrawal, psychological dependence and cravings.

The weed of today is not like the herb of the past (getty)

Dr. David Smith, who opened a free clinic in the hippie area of ​​Haight-Ashbury in San Francisco in the 1960s, said, "There should be no controversy about the existence of addiction to the marijuana.

We see it every day. The controversy should be why it seems to affect more people.

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"At the time when children were sitting around smoking a joint, the levels of THC found in marijuana averaged 2 to 4 percent.

That's what most parents think today. And that's why the company thinks marijuana is harmless.

But today 's herb has an average THC content of 20%, the "active ingredient," warns Smith.

THC crystals visible on a bud of & # 39; Skunk & # 39; weed Getty

The NHS says that about one in ten cannabis users will become addicted.

The NHS says, "Research shows that 10% of regular cannabis users become addicted. Your risk of becoming addicted is higher if you start using it in your teens or use it every day.

"As with other addictive drugs, such as cocaine and heroin, you can develop tolerance to cannabis. This means that you need more to get the same effect.

"If you stop using it, you may have withdrawal symptoms, such as cravings, difficulty sleeping, mood swings, irritability, and agitation. .

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