Marijuana use among baby boomers has doubled in ten years, study finds


COLORADO SPRINGS, Colorado – Marijuana use is on the rise among baby boomers.

A new study from the University of New York School of Medicine shows that the number of users aged 50 to 64 has doubled over the past decade.

The study points out that, while young adults are still the most prevalent group of marijuana users, the stigma that mitigates it, coupled with medical benefits, is encouraging an aging population to come out of the shadows and seek other treatments.

"They are looking for positive bodily effects without a crazy mind," said Kris Fowlkes, owner of The Dankery Medical Clinic.

According to the survey, nine percent of people aged 50 to 64 reported using marijuana in the past year.
This is double the number of users compared to a 2006 survey.

Fowlkes believes that older people are looking for an alternative to pharmaceuticals.

"[They’re using it to] remove some of their pharmaceuticals and narcotics they use, "he added.

Kellie Adamson, a 51-year-old regular user, says she no longer uses other narcotics.

"I had 12 different pharmaceutical drugs," she explained while pondering her life before medical marijuana.

"I started taking more and more drugs, lost 152 pounds just by smoking marijuana and taking off those medications that made me fat and fat."

The study mentions changing attitudes and reduced stigma towards marijuana with the rise.

Jeff Jorgensen, 52, has never considered marijuana to treat his multiple sclerosis.

"The spasticity in the legs and you know, just stiffness when walking and I hope it will allow me to walk better."

That's … until his doctor recommends it.

"Good [my doctor] says it can not hurt, "said Jorgensen.
"And he said you might as well try if it helped a lot of other people."

Although the survey does not distinguish between medical use and recreational use, Adamson says his age group is better able to take advantage of the medicinal benefits of marijuana.

"I do not see ourselves using it like that, I'm going to sit down and smash myself all day and eat some chips," she said, dismissing the idea that baby-boomers boomers use it only for recreational purposes.

"That's at least my experience with my age group. It's "yes, my knee is killing me and arthritis does not cut it anymore, so I'm going to smoke a bit" and "oh wow, it's better than that, so I'm just going to do that." . "

Although the study indicates that marijuana has proven beneficial in the treatment of pain in the elderly, it also notes that some adults are at increased risk of adverse effects related to the consumption of Marijuana, especially if they suffer from an underlying chronic disease. at the same time.

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