Mark Hamill has some depressing thoughts on Luke's last Jedi arc


The last moments of Luke Skywalker: A glimmer of hope at the end of a life filled with regret.
Image: Lucasfilm

The characterization of Luke Skywalker in The last Jedi has become the flashpoint in a furious forest fire a debate on the current trajectory of the Star wars saga. But with time to think since the release of the film, it seems that Mark Hamill has come to a rather depressing conclusion that Luke's fall is far truer than he thought.

The first hesitations of Mark Hamill about Luke's story in The last Jedi was used by some unhappy Star wars fans to decry that something is rotten in the state of Coruscant. However, the actor himself has spent months since the release of the film defending the choice of giving us a Luke Skywalker haunted by his failures to break a cycle of darkness that once again plunged the galaxy away, into turmoil.

In an exciting new interview with IGN, Hamill addressed how someone as resolutely idealistic as the Luke Skywalker of the original trilogy – the embodiment of what the Jedi should be, a rebel hero, an unlimited source of naive optimism among its most cynical allies – falling so brutally in despair was impossible. But then the actor realized something sinister: Luc's own trajectory from idealism to cynicism corresponded to his own.

It's tragic. I am not a method actor, but one of the techniques that an actor will use is to try and use real life experiences to relate to the fictional scenario in which he's implicated. The only thing I could think about given the reading scenario, was that I was from the Beatles generation – "All you need is love," "peace and love."

I thought at the time, when I was a teenager: "By the time we are in power, there will be no more war, there will be more racial discrimination, and the pot will be legal. "So, I'm one for three. When you think about it, [my generation is] a failure. The world is undoubtedly worse now than it was at the time.

If the state of, well, apparently all by the minute you have not already in a lower mood, you are probably in one now.

Like in real life, as in Star wars, as in countless other fictitious sagas about budding heroes who rise up to defeat an ancient evil, nothing is really lost forever, good or bad. A unique generation of young idealists could make changes, but without addressing the systems that allowed the wickedness they fought to rise in the first place Star warsIndeed, the corruption of the Senate creates fertile ground that Palpatine and the secessionists of the First Order have exploited, it is only a momentary change of the guard.

That's why, as depressing as it is to see a great idealist like Luke Skywalker posed so low, The last JediThe critical questioning of the systems and constructions that have helped perpetuate the conflict cycle in the past is ultimately so full of hope. He finds this hope in a new generation of youthful idealists who could learn something from the failures of his predecessors, and be the spark that ignites the fire of lasting change.

Of course, it's a radical achievement for Hamill – and through him, the public-to have, whether it's about Star wars or real life. But that's how the Cookie Wookiee collapses.

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