Mark Ruffalo Trolls MCU Fans with Bleeped Avengers 4 Title


Update: The title of Avengers 4 by Mark Ruffalo is titled The Last Avenger

Looks like Mark Ruffalo has followed Marvel fans by having his Avengers 4 title spoiler went out of his appearance on Tonight's show. Since it's been announced that the movie Avengers 2019 would no longer be titled Avengers: Infinity War – Part 2 and, instead, be an entirely separate story that exists outside of 2018 Avengers: Infinity War, fans have continually speculated on the title. Since Marvel plans to move away from titles used in comics, the door remains wide open, regardless of the title.

Shortly before War of Infinity released, it was reported that the reason why Marvel had not revealed Avengers 4 title was still that they did not want to mess up what's going on in War of Infinity. However, this idea was rejected by Kevin Feige, president of Marvel Studios. In addition, filmmakers Anthony and Joe Russo dispelled several rumors about the title saying the title was not talked about at all in their 2018 Avengers movie, which put an end to the hopes of fans. Avengers 4 called Endgame, referring to Dr. Strange's last words before disintegrating.

Related: According to rumor, Avengers 4 title is it an annihilation … but is it?

It finally seemed that Marvel Studios was going to reveal the title today during Tonight's show with Jimmy Fallon. To start, Mark Ruffalo tweeted at Fallon this morning, asking him to remove the Avengers 4 spoiler that he "accidentally" sank. Then the Russo brothers intervened on Twitter to tell Ruffalo: "Mark, you're fired"Things were getting complicated when Ruffalo was actually going to reveal the title … but he did not do it, instead he was dazzled." In the end, it was an expert level sled of Ruffalo (and Marvel).

Update: Ruffalo reacts to the dismissal by the Russos, asking for a second chance.

Of course, it is possible that people are trying to understand what Ruffalo says, but it is clear that everything was planned from the start. The marketing plan of Marvel Studios has been defined and it is only inspiring people's enthusiasm. A trailer for the highly anticipated film is expected to debut in late November (or early December), but the title is expected to come out sometime before.

Given the appearance of Ruffalo and the appearance of hanging out from Ruffalo / Marvel, it seems that the studio recognizes the importance of the title itself and is willing to eventually reveal it separately. Until the Avengers 4 The title is revealed, however, fans of MCU and comics will have a lot to discuss and plenty of opportunities to explore.

Next: Chris Evans finishes shooting on Avengers 4 Reshoots … And the MCU?

Source: The Tonight Show

Key release dates

  • Captain Marvel (2019) release date: March 08, 2019
  • The Avengers 4 / Untitled Avengers Movie (2019) release date: May 03, 2019
  • Spider-Man: Away from Home (2019) release date: Jul 05, 2019

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