Mars for Our Lives bus tour comes to Minnesota


Hundreds of Minnesota students joined the Pride parade in downtown Minneapolis on Sunday for the March tour for Our Lives, pushing gun control legislation and signing on. using to register young voters before the mid-term elections.

However, a bus carrying the direction of March for Our Lives – students from Florida Parkland High School who rallied after a deadly Valentine's Day shooting killed 17 students – was late on the way to Twin Cities from Milwaukee , Wisconsin.

"The bus is late and they [Parkland students] Said Austin Berger, a student from the University of Minnesota who represents Students Demand Action, one of the groups part of the campaign.

Local students, like other participants in the Pride Parade, gathered at the intersection of Marquette Avenue and N. 3rd Street before heading to Loring Park, the point of departure. 39, arrival of the parade. Parkland students were to join them later in the day.

"As soon as the bus arrives, there will be a race to register voters at Loring Park for two hours," said Laurie Wolfe, event coordinator and co-chair of Indivisible MN03, l & rsquo; One of the organizing groups.

At 18 hours. A group of Parkland students will attend a meeting of the Osseo High School town hall with four local students. The visit will also host a barbecue at 13:00. Monday before heading to Moorhead for a Tuesday event.

The visit to Minnesota is part of a 20-state tour led by students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

We are concerned about the inaction of our politicians and the fact that we do not have gun control measures, we want to keep guns out of our lives, not just schools, but parks, restaurants, etc. Said Lauren Simon, a senior at Osseo High.

Simon will be one of the local students featured in the panel later in the day. Jaylin Grasty of the Washington Technology Magnet School in St. Paul, Shruthi Srinivasan of Maple Grove High School and Jorge Esparza Hernandez of Henry Sibley High School are the other local panelists.

Citing safety concerns, the circuit supervisors did not disclose the names of Parkland students who will be on the panel. Local groups, including Moms Demand Action, West Metro Walkout and Minnesota Students for Change, participate in local events.

The campaign chose Minnesota as one of the 20 stops of the Bus-Road for Change tour that debuted in Chicago on June 14 because the state will go to the polls in November to elect its next governor, US senators and representatives, state officials, judges and other state and local officials.

The campaign's goals include a request for general checks of firearms buyers, a searchable database of firearms owners, funding for US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. in Atlanta and a ban on semi-automatic magazines. assault rifles. The group says it faces the National Rifle Association, which, according to organizers, has a strong hold on many elected officials and candidates.

From Minnesota, the tour will go to Bismarck, N.D.

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