Mars Orbiter Mission completes four years in orbit: Knowing the first interplanetary mission of India Mangalyaan


India's interplanetary mission – the Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) – has completed four years in orbit around the red planet, according to ISRO.

This mission made India the first country to enter the orbit of the red planet during its first attempt.

The satellite sent astonishing images of the red planet to commemorate the big day.

What is the Mars Orbiter Mission?

  • The mission, launched by the Indian Institute for Space Research (ISRO) on November 5, 2013, by PSLV-C25, successfully placed in Martian orbit on September 24, 2014, in his first attempt

This is the first photo taken by Mars color camera in India at the time of its launch on November 19, 2013. (Image: ISRO)

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  • Although the expected life of MOM was six months, the satellite continued to retransmit scientific data on Mars. since four years

A close up of the surface of the red planet (Mars). (Image: ISRO)

  • Mom is built with complete autonomy to take care of itself for long periods without any land intervention. The spacecraft came out of communication "blackout" during this period

Kasei Valles is located east of the Tharsis region and is considered the largest outlet channel of the red planet. (Image: ISRO)

  • The MOM spacecraft experienced the "whiteout" geometry from May 18 to May 30, 2016

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Spectacular 3D view of Arsia Mons, a huge volcano on Mars. (Image: ISRO)

  • A "white veil" occurs when the Earth is between the sun and Mars and too much solar radiation can make communication with the Earth impossible
  • The maximum duration of "whiteout" is around 14 days

Characteristics of the Mars Orbiter mission

1. The two moons of Mars – Phobos and Deimos – were captured near the Mars color camera of the orbit.

The moon of Mars Phobos against the not-so-red surface of the planet. (Image: ISRO)

2. Mars color camera has acquired more than 980 pictures until there. The mission also helped scientists successfully prepare a global atlas of Mars.

Global map of Mars, captured by Mangalyaan's color Mars camera. (Image: ISRO)

3. MOM is the only Martian artificial satellite that can image the entire disk of Mars in a single frame and also the image of the other side of the Martian moon Deimos.

Regional activities of dust storm in the northern hemisphere of Mars captured by Mars color camera. The winds in Martian dust storms rarely exceed more than 60 kilometers at the time, less than half the speed of the hurricane winds on Earth. (Image: ISRO)

Data collected by the orbiter in its first two years has already been processed and made public in an online database.

Year 3 data was also added to the database on Wednesday, September 26th.

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