Martavis Bryant dies, focused on the positive aspects of the return of the Raiders


Derek Carr had an uneven start to the season. The Raiders quarterback started hot against the Rams, finishing 20 of 24 for 199 yards, a first half tainted by an interception of the end zone.

An ice age began in the second half, when Carr lost control. He was 9-in-16 for 104 yards with two unsightly interceptions, including a flip for a touchdown.

This brings criticism to the face of the franchise, even though the performance took place in its first game with a new system, against the defense of stars L.A. Rams.

He was asked questions about why he had not had any shots yet, why he had thrown so many controls, why Amari Cooper was not more targeted. And, having broken so many bones (a finger, a fibula and three transverse fractures) over the last few months, the risk of injury runs through the mind during the games.

There is no doubt that Carr can make each throw. He made several perfect passes against the Rams that led to some big strikes.

His decision-making seems to be the most important topic of this week – he made a few scratches against LA – leading up to Sunday's game against host Denver Broncos.

The Raiders tried to exploit the clashes with Jared Cook and Jalen Richard, and both guys had big games. But Jordy Nelson was unimportant and Amari Cooper was practically invisible, with nine yards on three targets.

Carr says he will follow coach Jon Gruden's game plan, exploit offensive clashes and be more cautious than heal. It's a touch different from his younger days, as he pushed the ball towards the best targets.

Part of that is maturity. This is largely what Carr does what he is asked to do.

"That's the case, and at the beginning of my career, it's something I would do with" Coop "and (former Raiders receiver, Michael Crabtree)," said Carr. "Man, they are so good that you want to force this pass, even if this match with Seth (Roberts) is a little better.

"At the beginning of my career, I would have indecision, while I like guys, I make the best decision for our team on this game." Obviously, I do not do it perfectly every time, and we know it. I will do my best to make the best decisions.

Gruden called some parts for Cooper and the balloon did not go home, and said the number 89 was open at times and was not targeted. Gruden also said that finding Cooper will remain an accent point.

"You watch the movie, we have it completely open. We did not go there, "said Gruden. "It was open a few times and for whatever reason, we did not choose that path. Yes, we want him to leave. It's easier said than done.

Carr says that he hit Cook on the game where Cooper was open deep and the Raiders got a first win. He was not going to guess a positive result.

"Where is this fine line?" Said Carr. "I'm not going to guess at all times on the line of scrimmage … It's just one of those things, even the coach and I speak. He keeps reminding me, "Did you see him? Yeah, I saw it. He said, "Okay, as long as you see it, we are good. "

Carr and Gruden work well together, knowing there is room for growth as they adapt to the call and the performer. Gruden sustained his quarter after an uneven performance saying, "I have no doubt that Derek Carr is going to be great."

He was not thrilled by some throws or the second half of the process, but he understands that they are still a work in progress.

"It's disappointing," said Gruden, "but I think that knowing how good Derek is, gives us hope that we can solve everything."

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