Martin Sheen found safe after Charlie Sheen could not reach him


To go well. Martin Sheen is safe and sound after his son Charlie Sheen tweeted that he was unable to get the winner of the Emmy on Friday, November 9th.

"We evacuated early this morning from Point Dume around 9:30, and we've been here ever since," said the Come on Sunday The star told local channel Fox 11 in a newscast broadcast Friday night. "There is little chance that our house survived."

the Apocalypse Now The actor also took the opportunity to take stock of his famous family and address his worried kids. "We tried to reach all the children, Emilio [Estevez] is somewhere in Ventura, and Renee [Estevez] went down here with us and then she went to see a friend and was cut by the fire, so … unable to find her, the grandchildren went to Oxnard, and Ramon [Estevez]Is in Pasadena, "he said.

the west wing alum continued: "Emilio, Ramn, Renee, Charlie … everything is fine. We are in Zuma Beach and will probably be sleeping in the car tonight. We're fine and hope you too … we're fine, thank God. "

Earlier Friday, Charlie expressed concern for his parents Martin and Janet SheenThe localisation with a tweet. "I can not reach my parents, Martin and Janet Sheen," wrote the star of Two and Half Men. "They are in the group, on the assembly area near Zuma Beach. If anyone has any eyes on them, let me know that they are safe and sound in the middle of this horrific scenario. Thanks in advance. "

Martin Sheen, Charlie Sheen, missing, safe
Martin Sheen and Charlie Sheen attend the screening of 'The Way' at the Movies For Grown Ups film festival on September 23, 2011 in Los Angeles, California. Mark Sullivan / WireImage

Martin and Janet were among the many celebrities forced to evacuate areas devastated by deadly fires near Malibu, California, after starting in Los Angeles on Thursday, November 8th.

The ex-wife of Charlie Denise Richards and their children shared, Sam, 14, and Lola, 13, were also forced to evacuate, although a source close to Real housewives from beverly hills star said We weekly Friday they have – with Richards husband, Aaron Phypersand his adopted daughter Eloise, age 7 – were not at risk. "They are stuck in traffic with so many other people on the Pacific Coast Highway because there is only one way out," the source said. We. "They are safe and are not in immediate danger. It's just incredibly scary. "

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