Marvel Daredevil Season 3 Spoilers: Showrunner at the End of Future Seasons


Warning: this article contains spoilers from the entire third season of Mared's Daredevil. Read at your own risk!

The devil of the kitchen of hell once more dethroned a tyrant!

Season 3 of Daredevil of Marvel Matt Murdock (Charlie Cox) has slowly but surely returned to the land of the living after the collapse of the Midland Circle building, The defenders final. Unbonding Foggy (Elden Henson) and Karen (Deborah Ann Woll) and abandoning his civilian life, Matt strives to overthrow Wilson Fisk (Vincent D'Onofrio), who is behind a plot to release from the prison; essentially control of the FBI; and the destruction of Matt's professional life and activist. All this involved the corruption of two FBI agents in particular: the well-intentioned Ray Nadeem (Ray Ali), who had blackmailed to work for Fisk and was murdered towards the end of the season when he had decided to testify against him; and Ben Poindexter (Wilson Bethel), a murderous officer who has committed several murders under the costume of Daredevil (father of Lantom, RIP) and who is destined to become Daredevil's famous villain, Bullseye. (Read the full summary of EW on Season 3).

The war that lasted all season resulted in a bloody and heartbreaking fight between Matt, who was ready to kill, Fisk, and Dex, who turned against Kingpin after realizing how much he had been manipulated. Fisk breaks Dex's back, leaving him paralyzed, and Matt is about to kill a bloody pawn; However, at the last moment, he decides to propose an agreement to Fisk: Matt has promised not to reveal the evidence against Fisk's new wife, Vanessa (Ayelet Zurer), if Fisk agrees to stay away from Foggy and Karen. Wanting to do everything to protect Vanessa, Fisk agrees and is taken to jail because Ray recorded a damning testimony to charge before his untimely death.

While Matt found Foggy and Karen to form a new company (Name TBD), the doctors were trying to repair Dex's spine injuries. In the last shot of the season, a ball eye appears in Dex's eyes, alluding to his fate imposed by the comic book.

At the end of the final, EW asked several questions about the meaning of the ending for Matt and the company, the future of the series, and so on. Fortunately, the showrunner Erik Oleson was ready to answer most of them. Read our spoiler-filled chat below:

WEEKLY ENTERTAINMENT: When you signed up for Season 3, what do you want to focus on?
ERIK OLESON: One of the goals I had for Season 3 was to make sure that the public took the opportunity not to watch the show. What I mean by that is that I wanted to use the deep point of view techniques, where you are in the heads of the characters and experience the events and decisions that the characters take as if you were the character. You do not look at it from a distant crane shot that's beautiful, but all about the show. I wanted this to be the approach of season 3, to really get into the heads of the characters.

Instead of presenting Bullseye as a villain, you have decided to tell his story. Why did you want to start with the character?
We saw the agent Ben Poindexter as a borderline personality. Dex is a person who could have worked in society as a positive character, even a hero. He overcame his mental illness using medication, psychiatric help and a rigid structure in his life with a job at the FBI where he helped people. But the tragedy that reaches him is that he enters the orbit of Wilson Fisk, a narcissistic personality, a tyrant, a so-called dictator who drives him into the perverse version of himself on the path of Fisk's power.

What has fascinated me is the fact that valuable people, who could have been positive members of society, fall under the control of someone who feeds their fears and their dark side and forces them to wear tiki torches through Charlottesville. It was a big concern to us when we watched Fisk and his way of playing on people's fears – the fears of the other – and using them to divide people against each other and against themselves.

In building its backstory, did you look at anything in the comics or what story did you give it to?
In comics, for the most part, Bullseye is a psychopathic killer in its own right. In the version of the story I wanted to tell, where every character in our cast has a psychological depth and a reality for them, and I invite the audience in his head so that he can understand what what he has to do, starting with a psychopath killer is not so interesting. I was much more interested in the fact that, since the comics were not specific to the Bullseye background, I would have the freedom to create some a. This helped me tell the story of Season 3.

When you add up all the characters, you create the main idea that guided the design of season 3 – and we posted it on the wall of the writers' room – [which] Here's a quote we've all elaborated: "You can only be free when you face your fear, because it's your fears that enslave you." In Dex's case, he was always afraid of being his true self. He kept himself in this cage because he knows he is a borderline personality with psychopathic tendencies. We talked to psychiatrists; we just wanted to draw the character as a real person who will eventually become Bullseye because of all the factors you saw during the season – Fisk deliberately destabilized the parts of his life that allowed him to cope with his illness mental.

The last blow is that of a Bullseye materializing in the eyes of Dex. In case there is a fourth season, do you intend to make Bullseye the big bad guy of the season?
I am not allowed to answer this question, I am afraid. Let's just say that we have now seen the origin of Bullseye and that there are still many stories to tell with this group of characters. Whether season 4 goes in that direction or another, Bullseye will live and breathe in this world because we have now seen how it was created.

Have you heard of a potential season 4?
I can tell you that I really hope that I will be able to participate in season 4. There has not yet been a formal recovery, but if so, I really hope to be part of it.

You avoided putting Matt in the suit for the whole season. What was the reasoning behind that, apart from the fact that it had been destroyed and that Dex pretended to be him?
The most profound symbolic reason is that Matt's perspective on God and Daredevil as a symbol to scare criminals of their crime, all that has changed. Matt does not feel the same about Daredevil's costume and symbolism that he had before season 2 and The defenders. He is emotionally in a different place, and he is also unable to be the daredevil that everyone knows. As you may have noticed at the beginning of the season, he is pretty stoned and does not know he can become Daredevil again.

Again, one of the guiding principles for me was that I really wanted an emotionally honest season. There are times when shows like this can do something just because it's cool, but it makes you come out of a story because it's imposed by screenwriters of the time. As opposed to a real and real character, and something that could actually happen if this world were real and the characters were doing what they wanted to do and were taking the steps that corresponded to the natural progression of their desires and their needs. I'm very stern about breaking stories, and that's one of the reasons I did not put it all red at first.

In your mind, where is Matt's spirit when the season ends? What does he think of his relationship with Daredevil?
At the beginning of the season, he has this new perspective of God. He is now a benevolent and benevolent New Testament god who sees him more as a cruel and punitive god of the Old Testament. He feels that his efforts in favor of God have not been rewarded. But at the end of the season, I think Matt has solved these problems in many ways. He has a very complex vision of God and his role in protecting Hell's Kitchen and its relations in this country. Matt, especially after the death of Father Lantom and the successful dismemberment of Fisk without Matt having to condemn his eternal soul, has injected new hope that he has found a new purpose and a new motivation. I think it is in a much better place. He has been justified spiritually, physically and emotionally. I have to stop here because I do not want to talk about the next step.

To return to this quote on the wall of the writers room on how to defeat fears, did it inspire you to give us an extensive flashback on Karen Page in episode 10?
The idea of ​​Season 3 was that our fears enslave us, that we, the characters in the series and the viewers in real life, behaved in certain ways according to the fears of our real lives. In the case of Karen Page, Karen fears not being a good person, she is unworthy of love because she has committed the unforgivable act of causing the death of her own brother. What Karen has to deal with, what Karen has just achieved, is a bit like Matt told her at the end of the season in the final, that in the grand scheme of things, we are all trying to make our best. can and in the balance sheet of life, Karen did more good than harm. He does not give it an easy answer to that. It's like an essential facet of his character, you know, that horrible scar tissue of being high and drunk in a car crash after his brother tried to save her from this abusive boyfriend. This has taught me a number of things.

When I started the season, I wanted to understand the characters in more depth and I did not understand why in season 1, Karen flirted with Matt but that was never going anywhere and flirting with Foggy for a few episodes and that never went anywhere. then chemistry with Frank Castle, but it never really worked. I wanted to do some sort of retcon, or at least explain in my own head and then on the screen, why. The fear that drives her is that she is not worthy of love. So, yes, not only did she inform this episode of flashback, but also why she behaved the same way as in previous seasons.

Even Wilson Fisk is driven by fear this season. He is afraid of not being worthy of Vanessa's love. Ray Nadeem is afraid of not taking responsibility for taking care of his family. His fear drives him to make catastrophic decisions during the season. Matt is driven by the fear of abandonment and this has certainly prevented him from forming a meaningful relationship with Karen. Only when he realizes that it is his fear of his abandonment that enslaves him and forces him to repel his friends that he is able to become his best self, to overcome his fear, to let his friends help it, and it was also part of the hidden architecture of the season.

I really wanted to tell a story about the times we live in, where there are narcissistic bullies who play with all our fears, turn against each other and turn against us and that What Fisk represents. But I also wanted the series to instill hope and show how to defeat someone like that. For me, prescription is the power of a free press, which Karen obviously represents this season; the power of the law, which Foggy very well represents; and then the power of collective action, love, friendship, and faith, represented by Matt who joins his friends to defeat a tyrant.

Outside the appearances of Luke CageAnnabella Sciorra and Danny Johnson, there were no major crossovers and the season felt closed to the rest of the Marvel-Netflix universe. Did you avoid crossing because you did not want, as you just said, to impose things from outside?
I did not want to make crossovers that distract us from the main story of this season and the story we wanted to tell. My personal style, just writing that I want to do and writing that I like to do, revolves around narratives focused on characters that involve explosive moments of action. , which, hopefully, are surprising and inspiring, but are motivated by the architecture that we have designed for the seasons. For me, when you meet characters from other series or from the Marvel Universe, you have to feel organic in the story you are telling or otherwise it just becomes distracting. It's my personal taste. This will miss some people and not agree with me, and there is neither good nor bad. For me, each of the Marvel Netflix shows has its own tone and I really wanted to keep an eye on the ball this season and I wanted to give the characters of Daredevil and not be distracted by setting up spin-offs or other elements.

The season ends with Fisk's conviction in prison, concluding this deal with Matt. Do you think you're done with Fisk or do you want to do more with him?
All I'm going to say is that there is a reason why I ended the season as I finished it. There are more stories to tell with all these characters, but in the end, I did not want to curse Matt's soul forever by making him a murderer, even though he's as close to him as ever. So, let's see if I can do more of these seasons.

The third full season of Daredevil of Marvel is available on Netflix.

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