Marvel fans react to the 'Avengers 4' look from Black Widow


Avengers 4 does not need additional hype, but some new promotional images do a great job in making fans even more excited and give them a closer look at all the characters. This includes the new look of Black Widow, and fans are making their voices heard.

The first round of promo art showed a group picture of the remaining Avengers as well as the newest addition to the MCU. The original group included Captain America, Hawkeye, Ant-Man, War Machine, Rocket Raccoon, Iron Man, Nebula, Thor and Captain Marvel, and some characters will sport new looks for the grand finale of Phase 3.

includes Black Widow , who will be back to his classic red hair. This original promo image only shows that her hair is being read, as the Hulk costume behind her obscures most of the other details. When the new promotional images hit the fans noticed that she is doing a long braid, indicating that her hair has had some time to develop since Infinity War .

The new images also showed that the braid goes from red to blond, so it seems that she never had time to dye it. It's also logical because hair maintenance is the last thing that Widow has probably had time for as Thanos has eliminated half of the universe.

As for her costume, it seems mostly to be a mixture of her Avengers: Age of The Ultron Costumes and Captain America: Winter Soldier although , again, it's hard to see some of these details. She will also use her batons once more.

Other major departures are Hawkeye, who gets a new stylish suit that incorporates some of Ronin's features, the greatly improved technology of War Machine, and the shaven look of Captain America with a return.

But all this about Black Widow, so click on the next slide to see how Marvel fans react!

Slide 1 of 10 An Elegant Queen [19659011] The Famous Spy Changed Her Look in Avengers: The Infinite War and it seems as though that she becomes a redhead again, she does not completely abandon the blond eyes. The fans seem to be very receptive to the combination.

Slide 4 out of 10 Redhead All The Way

While the jury is on the look Captain America's shaved, most are happy to have the red locks making a comeback for Black Widow. The ponytail is new of course, but they seem receptive to that too.

"My wife loved the bearded cape, but we both needed a redhead #BlackWidow"

Slide 5 of 10 Blonde is better
(Photo: Marvel Studios)

Not everyone likes the new look well sure, because it seems that the short hair of Avengers: Infinity War seduced some fans. he is still a little in this new hairstyle, but not as prevalent as she once was.

As for Captain America, it is quite universal that Cape is the best Cape.

"I loved their IW more, bearded steve and blond short hair natasha !!! # Capwidow "

Slide 6 of 10 Blonde and Red?

Other fans are concentrating on the ponytail, especially on how she begins to brighten. This suggests that she just let it grow and never colored it to match its natural red highlights. The thing is, she's been a little busy over the past year, so dying her hair is probably the furthest thing from her mind.

"Did she grow up without dying? Will she have shaded hair this time?!?!?! #BlackWidow #Romanogers "

Slide 7 of 10 Do You Kill Better

D & # 39; Other fans see this as a sign that Black Widow is not in the mood to play. She never thought about fighting with her hair, but as fans have known since Infinity War this upcoming fight is different from anything the Avengers have ever come across, and Widow does not take any risk. he is about to come down when the Black Widow – who has ALWAYS fought battles with his hair down, FINALLY TIES UP UP.




CACHE, BIIIIIIITCH !!!!!!!!!!!!! #BlackWidow [19659061]

– Joe Chill (@JoeChill00) June 29, 2018

"You know that it's about to come down when the Black Widow – who ALWAYS fought the battles with her hair down, FINALLY REACHING THEM




HIDE, BIIIIIIITCH !!!!!!!!!!!!! [19659002] #BlackWidow "

Slide 8 out of 10 Removing to its roots
  Black-Widow-Scarlett -Johansson
(Photo: Marvel Studios)

The departure of the Black Widow was perfect for most fans, especially since the look has its roots For many however, the first search Black Widow's will always involve his red hair, and fans are happy to see Avengers 4 embracing this iconic look.

"Scarlett returns to his old look, love #BlackWidow # Avengers4 Concept Art!" [19659077Diapo 9 of 10 It's Past Time

We do not know exactly how much time has elapsed between the events of Avengers: Infinity War and the beginning of Avengers 4 although one of the fans points out that it must be at least a significant moment, since Widow's hair would need to a little time to grow as long.

" oof the time interval between iw and a4 was that long nat could grow his red hair without even the dying "

Slide 10 out of 10 Why a fishtail braid?

Other fans do not like the new hairstyle, but not necessarily because she's blond for red. In some cases it is because of the hairstyle itself, the fishtail braid. The first image published did not give a good overview, but the new photos give a better overview, and some are not fans.

"# ScarlettJohansson is my # 1 GIRL CRUSH and I do not know why they have a BAD-ASS as #BlackWidow in a Fishtail Braid ? # Avengers4 "

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