Marvel fans shocked by the look & # 39; Beardless & # 39; Avengers 4's Chris Evans


Captain America star Chris Evans shared his beardless Avengers 4 look at Friday, inspiring mixed reactions on social media.

"Senior year. # A4, "Evans subtitled the shaved photo, perhaps evoking his" graduation "of Marvel's cinematic universe with the almost finished. Avengers: Infinity War afterwards, who has returned to the cameras this month for covers.

Evans negotiates his sturdy and bearded War of infinity face for a cleaner look Avengers 4, who sees Cape wearing a refreshed and brighter uniform. The classic aspect of the comic comes as the first chapter of the shared MCU comes to an end, perhaps marking the end of Evans' tenure as a Star Avenger.

The fourth The Avengers is already an addendum to the Evans contract with Marvel Studios, which was competing with War of infinity. The star said The telegraph it made sense to add Avengers 4 because "it's going to pack everything"

"I had six films in my Marvel contract, so I could have said after the third The Avengers I had finished, but they wanted to do the third and the fourth The Avengers two-part movies, "Evans said. "They said they had so many other characters to integrate – Guardians of the Galaxy, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Dr. Strange, Ant-Man – and they could not put them together in one movie."

The film also ends the contracts of fellow Avengers Chris Hemsworth (Thor), Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow), Mark Ruffalo (Hulk) and Jeremy Renner (Hawkeye) and Robert Downey Jr (Iron Man).

"Well, the contract is concluded. Many of our contracts have passed, "said Evans Hello America in April. "Downey, Hemsworth, we all started at about the same time and I think we all, through Avengers 4, to somehow wrap. So, at this point, I do not know what will follow, but yes, by 2019, that 's all.

When asked if there was more American Captain for his future, Evans said, "We'll see, we'll see."

He has already said collider his future Captain America is "really not mine", explaining that his contract is in place, pending any possible extension.

"I think Hugh Jackman has made 47 Wolverine movies and they continue to improve. It's a character that I love and [Marvel Studios is] a factory that really knows what they are doing, "he said. "The system is healthy there. They make good movies. If they were not of quality, I would have a different opinion. But all that Marvel does seems to be the gold of cinema.

Avengers 4 opens on May 3, 2019.

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