Marvel prepares for Winter Soldier and Falcon for a television series


Marvel TV fans have recently had shocking news with the cancellation of not one but two series. Now, there is big news about the future of Marvel TV. This time, it is not a cancellation. The popular heroes of MCU, Falcon and Winter Soldier, would be putting together their own TV series on Disney's streaming service. Here is what we know.

Falcon and Winter Soldier (Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan, respectively) have not been the best friends of the Marvel film universe, but their dynamic has managed to reconcile action, intensity and humor. The potential of a series of teams between the two should excite fans around the world. Variety reports that Empire Writer and co-executive producer Malcolm Spellman is expected to write the series. The Spellman attachment marks the first potential Marvel show for Disney's streaming service, which allowed a writer to land.

Now, neither Marvel nor Disney have commented on reports of a Falcon / Winter soldier project, so there is a shortage of official details at the moment. We can say that the project is not yet guaranteed to switch to the streaming service, because it is technically in development. The prospect of such a series is particularly interesting given the fate of the two characters at the end of Avengers: Infinity War.

Depending on when this series is set, if it goes into production, it may mean that the hopes that either Winter Soldier or Falcon take up the torch of Captain America after Steve Rogers will come to nothing. Getting a series does not necessarily mean that neither the new Cape is possible, but fans may want to reconsider their speculation on Captain America 2.0.

There is also the fact that when the series starring big MCU stars were announced, it was reported that the favorites of fans who would not have their own movies would be those who would play in their own series, Loki and Scarlet Witch being named specifically. If Winter Soldier or Falcon became the next Captain America, they would probably have their own movie. At this point, the series should be limited and run in six to eight episodes.

The Winter Soldier / Falcon news do not deserve to be excited about the Marvel series on Disney's streaming service. Slashfilm reports that Paul Bettany will resume his Vision role in a series on Scarlet Witch. These two heroes also perished in War of Infinityso it should be interesting to see when the show is set. They had time together before the events of War of Infinity; the Wanda series could be placed before the last Avengers movie?

We will have to wait and see. It may not take much time before Marvel's limited series will lead to Disney's streaming service, not just because the streaming service has not yet received an official release date. The good news is that there are many Marvel offers on Netflix, although Iron fist and Luke Cage I had the ax.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. will be back in 2019, and my money is definitely over SHIELD. before the heroes of the MCU movie get their own limited series. For some viewing options by the next Marvel release, check out our fall TV viewing schedule.

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