"Marvel Spider-Man" References "Black Panther" and King T & # 39; Challa


Marvel & # 39; s Spider Man Players can meet the Wakandan Embassy while swaying in New York City and can even hear a direct reference to King T'Challa from Spider-Man himself.

It has been known for some time that the Wakandan embassy would exist among other recognizable monuments of the Marvel universe and the real world of New York. In April, gameplay and game discussions revealed that places such as the Avengers Tower and Sanctum Santorum could be located and escalated, but the ability to participate in the game was not obvious. always on Spider-Man and not the rest of Marvel's heroes.

In the video above from AMHarbinger, we can see what Spider-Man has to say about the Wakandan embassy when he meets her during a parallel mission. Walking through New York and taking pictures of important places in the city, the Wakandan embassy is one of Spider-Man's landmarks. After taking a picture, it triggers a dialogue about King T'Challa and the radioactive panthers.

"I wonder if King T'Challa had his powers to be bitten by a radioactive panther," jokes Spider-Man after seeing the Wakandan embassy. "Dude is hard, but it would probably hurt again."

That's all Spider-Man has to say about the Black Panther, so despite meeting with the embassy and hearing about the hero, there does not seem to be much more to find out about King T 'Challa and his allies Wakandan. In fact, it does not appear in the game itself, nor do many other heroes despite the occasional reference, but their absence matches the previous statements of Insomniac Games that it does not appear there. would not have any other heroes in the game. be on the web-slinger.

To see more places such as the Wakandan embassy scattered around the world The Spider-Man of Marvel, taking part in the historical quest mentioned in the video above will speed up the progression of players up to notable buildings. The quest is simple and allows Spider-Man to use his Daily Bugle experience by taking pictures of landmarks throughout the city in exchange for chips needed to upgrade the equipment. You will meet the Santorum Sanctum by doing this quest with Spider-Man also making a comment about this building as well as the Avengers Tower, though it's hard to miss it because it's so big and l? one of the first buildings will want to find and jump from.

The Spider-Man of Marvel is now available for the PlayStation 4 with many more references like this one and others, which one has to do with Pokemon Go.

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