Marvel Spider-Man: Six Tips to Change the Game to Know


(Photo: Sony / Marvel)

Marvel's Spider-Man is here, and you are about to embark on one of the greatest video game journeys of superheroes ever developed.

Spider Man is amazing, but it can also be difficult. Enemy monsters, even at lower levels, can overwhelm you quickly, and you may be wondering how to better use your time between main missions. What do you need to know to dominate each fight and what should you do during your free time around NYC to maximize your game?

Do not worry. We played throughout the game (our review is here) and I have insulated six things that you must keep in mind to make the most of your trip. Here are our best tips that will take you from zero to hero!

Drag 1 of 6Equip Suit Powers that clears the space around you
spider-man costume power
(Photo: Sony / Marvel)

Fight in Marvel's Spider-Man is an absolute happiness once you've got the upper hand, but even experienced superheroes can be overwhelmed. It is very rare that you face enemies face-to-face. Hell, you rarely have to fight enemies in groups of two or three.

Most of the time, Spider Man will throw whole crowds on you at once, and having enemies on you with lead pipes, guns, shields and grenades is not fun. I died a lot playing through the game – and then I started using my costume powers.

Make sure you equip costume powers that clear the area around you. If you know that you are about to conduct an intense combat mission or take it on, make sure that when you turn the power on, everyone around you falls or comes back. This will give you enough time and space to isolate one or two enemies and eliminate them quickly.

Web Blossom is a costume power that you unlock early and that will serve you well until you get Race Weapons, Negative Shockwave or Rock Out.

Drag 2 of 6Fill in your card as soon as possible
city ​​of Spider-Man
(Photo: Sony / Marvel)

Marvel's Spider-Man lets you lose in a huge version of New York. When we say huge, we think so. Going from one end to the other of the map can take a lot of time, even for experienced swingers.

To make matters worse, when you start the game, most of the card is hidden. You will have to travel in special tours in each district and synchronize their frequencies to reveal this part of the map and all its activities, much like Assassin & # 39; s Creed or Breath of nature.

You will want to do it as soon as possible, as most of the combinations you want to unlock can only be achieved by completing the side quests and missions that you find scattered on the map. The sooner you unveil any NYC, the sooner you can unlock the coolest material in the game. There is also a trophy in it for you!

Drag 3 of 6If you are struggling in combat, adjust your costume changes
Spiderman 2

No matter what costume you have equipped and whatever power you have equipped, you can equip three different costume mods at any time. These costume mods adjust the way you build the counter, adjust some bonuses you get while fighting, and adjust the way you take damage.

If you find yourself often in combat, you have to stop what you are doing and adjust your mods to better match your weaknesses.

For example, if you manage to fight in close combat, but distant enemies with weapons shoot you and get you out, you need to unlock and equip the "Ballistic Inserts" mod, which reduces incoming ball damage.

Adjust the mods according to your needs. There are mods that reduce incoming melee damage, mods that increase the amount of healing you can heal, mods that make it harder for you to detect discreetly, and more. There are 23 of these mods. Take the time to find the 3 you need most at one point and use them. That's why they're here.

Drag 4 of 6Use your gadgets in every fight
Spider-Man gadgets
(Photo: Sony / Marvel)

You start unlocking the gadgets at a fast pace and you can easily ignore them. When I entered the game, I found myself leaving the R1 button mapped to my default web shooters, and even those that I would use sparingly in combat. I just had more fun beating the enemies in the dust, and I did not want to worry about slowing things down by navigating a wheel of gadgets in the heat of the moment.

Here's the thing, though: the fight will become a lot more difficult, and you're going need use these gadgets. Learn to use them as soon as possible. Train this muscle memory to use a web bomb or power network to knock out a group of enemies, you know where to go on the wheel of the gadget.

With a little practice, you can swap gadgets on the fly without any interruption in the action. They reduce crowd pressure, they will save your life, and they will build the tap counter faster than almost anything else. Use them in each fight, and you will have a lot more ease.

Drag 5 of 6Do not forget to hit & # 39; Down & # 39; on the D-Pad in case of a problem
naughty ps4 spider-man

It's hard to remember every tool you have in the middle of a battle. When you start taking shots and start shooting, the immediate reflex will be to avoid you like crazy and keep fighting.

However, what you absolutely can not forget is that as long as you have a concentration indicator, you can heal yourself. If you have a meter sitting there, press the d-pad and heal yourself. You can do it multiple times in one fight, and you may have to do it if you want to survive.

More than once playing Spider Man I died and when my ragdoll body collapsed on the floor, I looked up to see that I had accumulated a ton of meter. I could have healed myself and finished the mission, but I forgot it. Do not be like me. When your health starts to blink red, practice immediately pressing the D-Pad.

Drag 6 of 6Use your resignations on enemies with shields
(Photo: Sony / Marvel)

In combat, when you hit, use gadgets and run perfect dodges, you'll build a special counter. Once this counter reaches a certain point, you can press a triangle and circle to make an instant, flashy and animated removal of the enemy.

These look really cool, and you'll most likely find yourself using them as soon as you get enough counter, because you can not instantly drop them on bosses or more powerful enemies.

You must use them on grunts, but make sure to use them on the right grunts. At the beginning of the game, you will start to meet enemies with shields, and these guys can be very boring. You will learn to dodge behind them and attack them where they are vulnerable, but then you must pursue them and continue beating them until they are out, otherwise they will walk you up and try you out.

Do yourself a favor and weaken the crowd by using your bets on enemies with shields or pipes. These guys can not be attacked normally from the front, and can really slow you down when you try to reduce the crowd. Get rid of them quickly, then come back to the punches.

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