Marvel tries to hide 7 deceased 'Infinity War' characters who will be back in 'Avengers 4' – BGR


All summer, I kept telling you that the death of War of infinity are not as final as Marvel and Disney want us to think. With each passing day, we have discovered more and more conclusive evidence that the heroes and favorite characters of the fans will come back to life in Avengers 4, or survived the breakup of Thanos.

In what follows, we will talk about no less than seven dead Avengers who will surely appear in Avengers 4no matter how much Marvel tries to hide it. And all seven are major characters in Marvel, not just minor characters in the MCU.

Before I start, I'll direct you to this link that lists all the deceased characters War of infinity and every character we expect to come back from here the end of Avengers 4. As you can see, there is ample evidence that these deaths were only temporary.

Source of the image: YouTube

Now, in what follows, I'm going to show you the definitive proof that some of the dead superheroes will appear in Avengers 4 in a certain capacity. It is likely that they will all be resurrected at the end of the film, but they will appear one way or the other, even if it's in visions, flashbacks, time travel or other things.

My discovery began on a page I often visit when checking out new Avengers stories, the IMDB page for the Untitled Avengers Movie it's the first one in May next. When I heard that Elisabeth Olsen (Wanda / Scarlet Witch) was doing research, I quickly looked for her in this list, but she was not there.

Image Source: Screen Capture (IMDB)

Until I find this team credit above: Courtney Young is a dialect coach for – wait for her – Elizabeth Olsen, Tom Holland and Benedict Cumberbatch. None of the three actors, who play respectively Scarlet Witch, Spider-Man and Doctor Strange, are mentioned in the cast. All died at the end of War of infinity. And we already have other proof that all will be resurrected.

Just like that, a simple IMDB entry has confirmed that no less than three actors will resume their Avengers roles for Avengers 4 even if their characters have just died. If you're wondering, it's relatively easy to add filmography credits to IMDB – here's how you do it – and even if Marvel wants to keep names like Olsen, Cumberbatch and Holland secrets, regular members of Team be credited for this. And why would anyone simulate credits this way?

Going from the front, I looked for the names of other dead Avengers. Some have already arrived, including Evangeline Lilly (Hope van Dyne), Michelle Pfeiffer (Janet Van Dyne), Sebastian Stan (Bucky Barnes / The Winter Soldier), Dave Bautista (Drax) and Chadwick Boseman (T & # 39; Challa / Black Panther), although we already knew that most of them would come back to life.

A new note is Michelle Pfeiffer's addition to the cast, which means she will teach people things about time whirls in Avengers 4. And by the people, I'm talking mostly about Dr. Strange. But I'm misleading.

While browsing the list of actors, I also found that Terry Notary will play Teen Groot. Vin Diesel is not credited for voicing Groot, but the actor who replaces Groot during the shoot is. Groot, of course, also disappeared at the end of War of infinity.

Image Source: Screen Capture (IMDB)

You know what other crewmembers probably want to see their credits on IMDB and get recognition, especially for movies like Avengers 4 who were slaughtered last year? If you said the stunt double, then you're right.

And so I discovered that Chris Pratt (Star-Lord), Zoe Saldana (Gamora), Benedict Cumberbatch (Dr. Strange) and Dave Bautista (Drax) all have duplicates that will appear in the next film. They all died in War of infinitybut just Bautista is credited for Avengers 4. Bautista also confirmed a few weeks ago that he was both Avengers 4 and Guardians 3which probably explains why no one tries to hide the fact that he is in the movie.

Image Source: Screen Capture (IMDB)

Which brings us to the substitutes. Someone should have replaced Anthony Mackie (Falcon) in Avengers 4 even though he died in War of infinity.

Image Source: Screen Capture (IMDB)

In this spirit, the Avengers 4 The list of credits on IMBD tells us that seven Avengers characters will all appear in the movie, including Scarlet Witch, Spider-Man, Dr. Strange, Groot, Star-Lord, Gamora, and Falcon. They all turned to ashes when Thanos snapped his fingers. Still, Marvel wants to keep things secret for the moment, so that does not spoil the movie. Oops!

Again, although I think everyone will survive the coming battle, the fact that I've discovered them in the credits only indicates that these characters will appear in Avengers 4 scenes and these scenes will include flashbacks and time travel.

While browsing the list, I also noticed that other missing characters did not appear anywhere in the list. Avengers 4 credits including Heimdall, Vision, Maria Hill, Nick Fury, Valkyrie, Mantis and Loki. Of these, we know for sure that Pom Klementieff (Mantis) is in the film and that now that Tom Hiddleston (Loki) has appeared in photograms, it has been proven that it was time to travel in the film. We also suspect that Tessa Thompson (Valkyrie) is inside. But until now, they are not listed on IMDB.

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