Mary Meeker, 'Queen of the Internet', leaves Kleiner Perkins to create a new fund


SAN FRANCISCO – The "Queen of the Internet" will soon have its own investment company.

Mary Meeker, a venture capital firm of Kleiner Perkins, plans to leave the firm this year to create a new investment fund. This is a significant loss for Kleiner, who hired Ms. Meeker, a former Wall Street analyst known as the Queen of the Internet for her bullish internet shares coverage, in 2010.

Ms. Meeker leaves Kleiner while the venture capital firm has declined. It plans to invest in more mature and larger private companies, referred to as last-minute investments, in a separate entity. Three other investors at Kleiner – Mood Rowghani, Noah Knauf and Juliet de Baubigny – will join this new venture with Ms Meeker, who has not yet taken a name, she said in an interview.

Ms. Meeker, 58, made her name in the late 1990s as an analyst at Morgan Stanley. Since joining Kleiner, she has led her investments in more mature start-ups and has achieved several successful bets by investing in Facebook, Twitter, Spotify and Snap as companies have progressed. It also provides an annual report on Internet trends, often considered a compulsory reading in the technology sector.

Its release is the latest reorganization of Kleiner, a 46-year-old venture that has helped capitalize venture capital and successful companies such as Netscape, Sun Microsystems, Google and Amazon. In recent years, the company has struggled to produce the same successes. After the collapse of the dot-com, Kleiner missed the initial wave of social networking start-ups and focused on setting up technologies that would help the environment, which would 39 is turned into a costly detour. Over time, other venture capital companies have grown and attracted more buzz.

Follow Erin Griffith on Twitter: @eringriffith.

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