Maryland state lawmakers seek local Kavanaugh investigation


Christine Blasey Ford, Brett Kavanaugh

Kavanaugh has been appointed by President Donald Trump to fill a vacancy on the US Supreme Court. Christine Blasey Ford accused her of attacking her while the two teenagers were in Montgomery County in the early 1980s. Kavanaugh and Ford testified at a Senate hearing Thursday, at the same time. during which he again denied the allegations.

On Friday, Senators agreed to postpone the vote on his appointment until one week while the FBI is investigating.

And in a letter dated Friday, Montgomery County Police Chief, J. Thomas Manger and Montgomery County Lawyer, John J. McCarthy, responded to the request of state lawmakers. investigate Ford's request to trigger an investigation.

"To date, no criminal complaint has been filed with the Montgomery County Police Department that allegedly led to the opening of a criminal investigation involving Judge Kavanaugh," they wrote. .

But even if a complaint was filed, any prosecution would probably be outlawed by the statute of limitations in the early 1980s. The letter explained: "The law in effect at the time the offense was committed is the the law to be applied to any charge that might be made. "

The law was amended in 1996 to remove a limitation period to prosecute an attempted rape.

Law enforcement officials, however, say that all victims could still come forward. Montgomery County officials "are ready to investigate any allegation of sexual assault from any victim where the incident occurred in our jurisdiction."

The Montgomery County Police have repeatedly stated that they have not received any complaints from a victim associated with Kavanaugh. Maryland State Police said the same thing to CNN.

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