Maryland unemployment rate drops to 4.2% in August


The unemployment rate in Maryland fell in August to 4.2% from 4.3% the previous month, but it remained higher than a year ago when it was 4%.

The decline was the first downward movement of the rate in six months and narrowed the gap with the national unemployment rate of 3.9%, unchanged from July but less than half a point down from that of last year. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

In Maryland, 4,600 jobs were created in August, marking the fourth consecutive month of growth. Positions have been added in most categories, including hobbies and hospitality; professional and commercial services; trade, transport and utilities; education and health services; manufacturing and construction.

Employment declined in financial activities and public sectors.

The office more than doubled its estimate of jobs created in the state in July to 6,500 jobs, compared to 2,900 jobs.

Maryland has added about 20,300 jobs in the past 12 months, up 0.7% year-over-year, the national rate of 1.6%, according to a study by economists from the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond .

Employment growth in the state has been lower than in the United States since April 2011, although job growth in Maryland has accelerated in recent months and has exceeded the national rate.

The Baltimore metropolitan area created 10,200 jobs in August, marking the region's biggest monthly gain this year, Fed economists said. With gains over the past year, the city's earnings now match the national rate of employment growth, they said.

Economists have said the job gains could have been higher, but companies are struggling to find workers for their open positions when the unemployment rate in the state and nation is so low.

The state has sought to train more workers for available positions.

"The unique challenges presented by our healthy economy have involved the industry more actively with the state in the process of developing our talent pipeline," said Kelly M, Secretary of State for Labor Schulz. The knowledge and experience of our employers in developing a well-trained and responsive workforce is hugely successful with extremely high ROI and participation. With this momentum, we can continue to fill the jobs created by our tremendous growth.

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