Mass. DPH reports the 12th human case of West Nile virus


Massachusetts public health officials reported that a 12th person had contracted West Nile virus this year. This was the fifth case in Suffolk County, which includes Boston.

The State Department of Public Health said Monday that the most recent case was a man of about fifty years of Suffolk County. He became ill on September 11 and is hospitalized.

The end of the summer does not mean the end of the risk, said the DPH.

"September is still the peak transmission season and additional cases of WNV infection are likely to occur.The risk of West Nile virus transmission will continue until the first freeze," said Catherine Brown, DPH State Epidemiologist.

Health officials said people should use insect repellents, cover exposed skin or get inside when mosquitoes are active.

The DPH stated that most people infected with WNV would have no symptoms. When present, the symptoms of WNV tend to include fever and influenza-like illness. In rare cases, a more serious illness may occur.

In 2017, six human cases of WNV infection have been identified in Massachusetts.

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