Massachusetts begins selling marijuana. Is New York the next?


NORTHAMPTON, Mass. – Hundreds of people invaded the New England Treatment Access Shop on Tuesday morning as Massachusetts became the first state on the east coast to legalize the sale of marijuana for recreational purposes.

The store is one of two state-owned marijuana sellers for recreational purposes and to give a glimpse of what New York might be experiencing when it passes a law legalizing marijuana use. for recreational purposes.

The line of purchase of the drug lasted more than two and a half hours. The atmosphere was calm and calm, similar to a crowd waiting to be able to attend a midnight movie screening. The store's staff came with ponchos, coffee and snacks to help the crowd protect themselves from the cold and rain in the meantime.

Northhampton Mayor David Narkewicz made the first purchase: a $ 20 black bar at 8:00 am.

Customers were allowed to move one by one at a time and their identities had been checked twice, once at the entrance and once at the counter.

After that, they were free to consult a catalog detailing the products of the store. The store sells smoking flowers or marijuana, vape pens, pre-rolled joints, concentrates, lotions, oils and edible products.

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Michelle Kelly drove with a friend from a city north of Boston, to get to the store shortly after 10 am. She bought two different varieties of smokable marijuana and a chocolate bar.

"I was looking forward to seeing this all week," she said. "It's cool, it's expensive anyway"

The New England Access Treatment has been in Northampton since 2015, when she started selling marijuana for medical purposes. He will always sell marijuana for medical purposes in addition to recreational products.

Under the law, adults over the age of 21 can legally own up to one ounce of marijuana product. It is still illegal to smoke in public, to smoke and to drive or sell marijuana without a state license.

New York State is likely to legalize marijuana for recreational purposes next year. The administration of Governor Andrew Cuomo issued a report earlier this year recommending the legalization of the use for recreational purposes.

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