"Mate, what has just happened?" Seal slams the kayaker against the octopus | News from the world


A kayaker paddling in the waters around New Zealand was particularly attentive to his marine life when a seal appeared to throw him an octopus.

Kyle Mulinder enjoyed clear weather on the waters off the coast of Kaikura, in the South Island, when he was slapped by the tentacles of the flying creature.

Mulinder told Australian Seven News that he and his friends were watching a seal fight with a big octopus near their kayaks, before the seal came out of the water with the animal lodged between its jaws.

"We were just sitting in the middle of the ocean and this huge male seal appeared with an octopus and it was beating it for centuries," Mulinder told the news channel. "I was like a companion, what just happened? It was weird because it happened so fast but I could feel all the hard parts of the octopus." on my face."

Mulinder, who works for Go Pro, had a camera attached to his boat that captured the weird meeting.

Seals eat mainly fish, but they consume any type of protein that they can find, including octopus, squid, shellfish and molluscs.

The seas off Kaikōura are renowned for their marine life, attracted to the area by the 50-kilometer long Kaikōura Canyon, which creates an unusual series of ocean currents that feed a rich food chain.

In 2016, an earthquake in the region caused a major landslide under the sea that killed much of the marine life, including seals, abalone and molluscs. In the months following the earthquake, whales and dolphins, generally present in the area, disappeared and scientists feared they would not return.

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