Matt Damon and Jimmy Kimmel wear I'm with Stupid shirts at World Series


Whenever you find yourself at a Dodgers game, take a look around – you'll see one of your favorite celebrities in the stands. And the number multiplies when it comes to the World Series.

Matt Damon is a famous fan baseball fan – even complimenting Jose Altuve last season much to the Astros' second baseman's surprise. Still, the Bourne actor's bread and butter is the Red Sox, so it was no surprise Game 5 on Sunday night. He was joined by his "enemy" Jimmy Kimmel and the two sported matching shirts:


It's nice to see the "feud"between them is definitely over.

And they were not alone. Damon and Kimmel were joined by another huge Sox fan … Ben Affleck:


You never know who you are going to see when it's time for Dodger baseball.

Jessica Kleinschmidt is an associate editorial producer for Cut4 (oh that sounds fancy). She has covered baseball for half a decade.

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