Matt Damon plays Brett Kavanaugh in the first season of 'S.N.L.'


A frequent complaint about "Saturday Night Live" over the past year is that in his political skits, the series focuses on his role as a group leader while giving key roles to a growing list of guests. famous. This is a list that started, more or less, with Alec Baldwin as President Trump, and who has taken more and more information Scarlett Johansson as Ivanka Trump, Ben Stiller as Michael Cohen and Robert De Niro as Robert Mueller.

While "S.N.L." has started its 44th season this weekend, has there been any evidence that the show had got the better of these critics? In a word: No.

For his first opening sketch, "S.N.L." led Matt Damon to play Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh in a re-enactment of Thursday's testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Damon portrays Kavanaugh as a defiant, opening his remarks by saying, "I'm going to start at 11am. I will carry it to about 15 very quickly. "He was nuts, in tears every time he mentioned his former classmates. and its notorious calendar, and constantly glasses of water.

In the character, Damon is described as an optimist – "a half-full guy guy" – but also as someone who would fight for his nomination: "I do not know the meaning of the word" stop ". he said, "To quote my hero, the character of Clint Eastwood in 'Gran Torino', 'Get the hell of my lawn'."

At the "Weekend Update" office, Colin Jost and Michael Che also criticized the testimony of Kavanaugh's Senate and her accuser Christine Blasey Ford, which Jost called "a classic debate about her said, he shouted".

Jost added, "You do not help yourself in a drunken assault case when you shout how much you like to drink and how strong you were at the time."

Che later said, "I just want to remind everyone that all the shouting and screaming took place during the hiring interview of this type. I mean, in general, when you're asked about a sexual assault and about your drinking problem during a job interview, you do not get that job.

Che also wondered why Kavanaugh's candidacy had not been withdrawn. "Why does it have to be him?" Che asked. "You can not just pick another guy at your meetings with the Illuminati lizard? Are Republicans so pro-life that you do not even have a Plan B for it? "

McKinnon has resumed her role as Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg – whom she describes as an adenoidal insulting comedian distributing "gins-burns" – to comment on Kavanaugh's audiences.

"He thinks his the confirmation hearing was unfair? Said McKinnon. "My confirmation hearing was, they even threw me in the river to see if I was floating. And I did. I've floated on top like a small water bug. "

She posted her calendar of September 2018, on which was written a single instruction: "Do not die".

In another part of his remarks, Mr. West criticized the Democratic Party by saying, "You know it's like the plan they developed to get fathers out of the house and promote well-being. Does anyone know it? It is a democratic plan.

NBC declined to comment on West's post-show remarks.

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