Matthew Weiner denies allegation of sexual misconduct


An ancient writer 'Mad Men & # 39; accused him of confessing to her that she let him see her naked. "I really do not remember saying that," he says now. "I do not mean that it's not impossible, but I really do not remember saying it."

Matthew Weiner again denies the allegation of sexual harassment against him in November.

Kater Gordon, a former writer of Mad Men, alleging that, while he was working late at night with Weiner, the creator of the show, he told her that she owed him to let her see her naked. A year later, she was dismissed from the critically acclaimed drama – and has not worked in the industry since.

Weiner overturned the charge several times later, at a public event promoting his book, Heather, all.

In a profile posted Sunday on Vanity Fair, part of a promotional campaign for his next series on Amazon The Romanoffs, Weiner said that he did not remember saying that to Gordon.

"I really do not remember saying that," he said. "I do not mean that it's not impossible, but I really do not remember saying it."

A few days later, Weiner again insisted on the subject: "I do not see a scenario where I would say that. What I can see is that it was 10 years ago and I do not remember saying it. you said something like the experience we just had – I do not remember saying that. "

He added, "I have never felt that and I have never acted that way towards Kater."

Weiner says that he has not spoken to Gordon since she made her allegation public, but Gordon said Vanity Fair in an email: "This was not an isolated incident, but it was the most touching." Bullies with uncontrolled power create environments of fear. "

Weiner also spoke on the veteran television producer and producer Mad Men Alum Marti Noxon's decision to back Gordon's claims on Twitter. "I believe it. I was at work with her the day after what she described. I remember very well how kater was shaken and subdued – and continued to be from that day, "Noxon wrote at the time. Responding to his statement, Matt said that he would never make that kind of comment to a colleague. But anyone with even superficial knowledge of the show Mad Men could imagine that same line coming from Pete Campbell's mouth. "

Noxon added that Weiner was "devilishly intelligent and witty," but added that he was also "an emotional terrorist" who would harass, seduce and even crack to try to satisfy his needs. "

Weiner said that he was surprised by Noxon's tweets but that he had thought about it.

"What you do not realize … I think that goes with everything," he says. It's okay with sexist language, it's okay with jokes, it's okay with everything I think I've considered in my own behavior – it's just that you do not know you have any power. "

Weiner's book tour was interrupted as a result of last fall's accusation. About one-third of the 11 stops were totally canceled – including events in Seattle, Washington, D.C. and Los Angeles – with bookstores and other venues having decided that it would not be appropriate to organize previously scheduled events.

During this time, Gordon left the industry and then formed Modern Alliance, a non-profit organization dedicated to the fight against sexual harassment.

"I had Emmy, but instead of being able to use it as a launching pad for the rest of my career, it became a point of anchor because I felt that I had to respond to speculative stories in the press, "Gordon told The Information, which announced the news in November. "I finally left instead of fighting back."

Bryn Elise Sandberg contributed to this report.

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