Mattis Vows, USA, to hold Khashoggi Killers accountable


MANAMA, Bahrain – The United States is determined to "hold accountable" those responsible for the murder of Saudi dissident Jamal Khashoggi, whose death "undermines the stability of the region," Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said Saturday.

At a security conference held in the Bahrain capital, Manama, Mr. Mattis never mentioned Saudi Arabia as directly related to the killing of Mr. Khashoggi, a resident of Virginia , columnist for the Washington Post, at the Saudi consulate. in Istanbul.

But he added that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had revoked the visas of Saudis suspected of committing the murder and that Mr. Trump had vowed to "get all the light" and involve Congress. His remarks reflected not only the gravity of the situation, but also the Administration's relentless efforts to defend the value of its alliance with Saudi Arabia as it urged the Saudi government to seek answers.

"A country's non-compliance with international standards and the rule of law undermines regional stability at a time when it is indispensable," said Mattis.

Mr. Trump did not elaborate on the conversation. But he seemed to be referring to a phone call that he had had a few days earlier with King Salman.

In his remarks to Bahrain, where the fifth navy fleet is located, Mattis sought to dispel growing fears that, if Washington reduced its role in Middle East security, Russia would act quickly to fill the gap. empty.

The United States has no more aircraft carriers in the Persian Gulf since March and the Pentagon is removing Patriot missile defense systems from Jordan, Kuwait and Bahrain as part of a strategic realignment of the firepower from the Middle East to Russia and China.

"Russia's presence in the region can not replace the United States' long-standing, enduring and transparent commitment to the Middle East," said Mattis.

In fact, Mr. Mattis' speech focused on what he said were Iran's destabilizing actions in Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Lebanon – "spreading evil and murder throughout the region", as the secretary said.

The speech was likely to be well received in some circles.

"This was what Saudi Arabia and its allies wanted and are excited to hear: reaffirming America's commitment to the region, its partners and, of course, widespread hostility to the United States. Iran and all of Iran, "said President Robert Malley of the International Crisis Group and former coordinator of the White House for the Middle East, North Africa and the Gulf under the 39, Obama administration.

When Mr. Mattis held the position of General Four Star and Head of the Central Command of the Army under the Obama administration, he accused Iran of perpetrating deadly attacks of Shia militias in Iraq. He pleaded for a confrontation with Iran, a position that put him in conflict with President Barack Obama, who was trying to engage in a diplomatic dialogue with Iran.

In the Trump administration, however, Mattis took a more moderate stance. He joined Rex W. Tillerson, then secretary of state, to try to persuade Trump not to leave the nuclear deal with Iran and used more measured language.

On Saturday, however, Mattis' criticism of Iran's activities in the region echoed the administration's increasingly conflicting stance towards the Tehran government, its support for the president Syria's Bashar al-Assad on the "destructive and costly cyberattacks directed against sovereign nations".

Mr. Mattis also called for an end to the Yemeni conflict between Houthi rebels aligned with Iranians and Yemeni forces backed by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, and called for support for a UN-led diplomatic effort. United.

"The tragedy of Yemen is worsening by the day, "said Mattis. "The time has come to put an end to this war."

In the midst of international condemnation of Mr. Khashoggi's murder, Congress is increasingly lobbying to cut off US assistance to the Saudi-led air campaign in Yemen, including in-flight refueling of warplanes and airplanes. Saudi information.

Mattis also called on the Persian Gulf countries to repair the gap that he believes weakens regional security. Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt all ended trade relations and travel with Qatar in June 2017, accusing it of supporting their rival, the United States. Iran, and support terrorism. Qatar denies the accusations and says the boycott is encroaching on its sovereignty.

The United States tried unsuccessfully to settle the dispute. It is an ally of the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council, and Qatar is home to a major US air base.

"Resolving internal debates among our BC members. partners is vital, "said Mattis.

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