Maxine Waters calls charges that her office has published personal information about a senator on Wikipedia


California MP Maxine Waters issued a statement Saturday denouncing charges that one of her staff would be responsible for disclosing personal information about three Republican senators. On September 27, personal information, including the personal addresses and phone numbers of Lindsey Graham (South Carolina) and Mike Lee and Orrin Hatch (both from Utah), were posted on the Wikipedia site. , according to the same source. The hill. In his statement on Saturday, Waters accused one of his staff of being responsible for publishing this "despicable" information.

Personal details appeared on Wikipedia a few hours after Christine Blasey Ford's appearance before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Right sites including Gateway Pundit and Red state quickly reported that a trace of the IP address associated with Wikipedia updates indicated that the source of the information was a person from the Waters office. They proceeded to the identification of this person and the publication of personal information about these people.

In her Saturday commentary on the charge, on which she shared TwitterWaters called this claim "lies, lies and even more despicable lies" and blamed "far-right experts, outlets and websites" for spreading lies, and claimed to have contacted law enforcement officials would be "held legally accountable" for their actions.

"I am completely disgusted by the spread of completely false, absurd and dangerous lies and conspiracy theories that are followed by experts, outlets and far right websites that support fraudulent assertion. that one member of my staff was responsible. for the disclosure of personal information of the US Senate member on Wikipedia … The US Capitol Police and its internal computer scientist determined that the IP address in question did not belong to my office or to none of my collaborators. The member of my staff – whose identity, personal information and security were compromised as a result of these fraudulent and false allegations – was in no way responsible for the leak of this information. "

Ari Fleischer, a former White House press officer, said his angry response was proof that it did not belong to the US Congress. He went on to assert that the appropriate response of any person to Congress who is falsely accused of such things is not a mistrust or a questioning of the motivation behind the false allegations, but rather that she should to be "calm and serene". Fox News reported that some have interpreted Fleischer's assessment as a criticism of Brett Kavanaugh's appearance before the Senate Judiciary Committee this week.

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