Maxine Waters continues on Trump & # 39; impeachment & # 39; tear, promises to "do it"


Democratic Representative Maxine Waters stepped up her rhetorical assault on President Trump over the weekend – vowing to "fetch" him and repeat the word "impeachment" again and again.

Waters, who took the heat earlier this year for urging his supporters to confront the Trump administration officials in public, told a group in Los Angeles that some Democratic leaders had asked him to stop talk about dismissal.

"There is a difference in how some of our leaders talk about how we should handle all this," said Water. "They say: Maxine, please, do not say the indictment anymore."

"And when they say that, I say" impeachment, impeachment, impeachment, impeachment, impeachment, impeachment, impeachment. "

In a video published by The American Mirror, Waters said she was waking up in the middle of the night and "all I can think is that I'm going to get it," referring to Trump.

The California congressman, who on Saturday accepted an award from the Stonewall Young Democrats, was one of the most outspoken congressional Democrats calling for an indictment. While many party leaders have turned away from these demands, Waters and his allies are encouraged by the prospect of Democrats taking over the House mid-term and potentially using a majority to launch an impeachment proceeding.

In June, Waters made controversial comments in the context of the negative response to the White House's "zero tolerance" immigration policy leading to family separations at the border.

"If you see someone from this firm in a restaurant, in a department store, in a gas station, you go out and you create a crowd and you push them back and you tell them that they are no longer welcome, no matter where "Waters said.

The legislator went on to say that she did not call the protesters to "hurt" the cabinet members.

On Saturday, Waters once again commented on the summer remarks and said she had not threatened Trump supporters – but she seemed to be joking that she had done it before.

"That scared a lot of people and, of course, the lying president said that I had threatened all of his constituents," Waters said. "I did not threaten his constituents, his supporters. I do it all the time, but I did not do it at that time.

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