Maxine Waters is done with the "nice guy policy"


Maxine Waters Maxine Moore WatersWoman confronts Pruitt at the restaurant, tells him to resign Poll: Record Low say they're "extremely proud" of being Americans Michelle Wolf compares Ivanka Trump to the l 39 herpes PLUS (D-Calif.) Has the right message.

The Los Angeles Legislator's First Appeals for President Trump Donald John TrumpTrump: Democratic Electors Will Support Republicans Because of Criticism of ICE Coney Barrett, Kavanaugh Among Candidates Who met Trump: report The Trump administration advises against allowing China Mobile to access the US market The impeachment and viral confrontations of MORE with the administration officials have made him love Waters to the young liberal base of the party. And these positions have also earned the respect of many House Democrats, who admire how Waters, 79, sticks to his political beliefs.

"She is up to date, she is smart, she is genuine and she is not afraid Gwen Sophia Moore Hill Morning Report – Trump:" A great moment in the history of the world Hillicon Valley: Senate Dems Pass To Force Net Neutral Vote | AT & T Spoke Chinese Company ZTE Stops Activities After US Ban | Experts Group Advances Bills to Secure Energy Infrastructure Lawmakers remember the ceremony of Slaughter in Capitol PLUS (D-Wis.) Told The Hill, adding that his constituents were often in Milwaukee Ask him if she knows Waters. "She is transformative in terms of Appealing to different generations of people. "

Yet, his most recent remarks – encouraging public confrontation with cabinet members – overwhelmed some of these colleagues and high conce rns on how Water It would manage greater authority if Democrats regained control of the House in November.

Minority Leaders in the House and Senate Nancy Pelosi Nancy Patricia's Alesandro PelosiThe Morning's Report Hill – Sponsored by Better Medicare Alliance – Protests and Anger: Washington in turmoil election near Juan Williams: The fate of the Court is at stake. No more generation gaps (D-Calif.) And Chuck Schumer Charles (Chuck) Ellis Schumeraxine Waters on Schumer's review: Leadership Will Do Everything To Protect Their Power Nightly Health Care: Judge Blocks Job Requirements Of Kentucky Medicaid | Trump officials plan cuts to ObamaCare | House probes HHS office in charge of migrant children Overnight Health Care: Amazon enters the pharmacy sector | Two Republicans to play a central role in the fight against abortion Supreme Court | Senate committee approves boost medical research PLUS (DN.Y.) Condemned comments, while other Democrats have moved away.

Waters is aware that she sometimes pushes the envelope, according to a former associate who said the MP thinks that Democrats as a whole have engaged in a "good guy" policy for too long.

"She definitely pushes people into a place of discomfort," said the former assistant, adding that Waters "slowly but surely gets the Democrats playing the game as Trump plays it."

The former staff member said that Trump's imitation in 2016 by Serge Kovaleski, a New York Times reporter with a physical disability, "ignited his fire."

"It's the moment that really made him stand against him," said the former staff member. "It was a moment that I think I took in accepting that it is now our reality and accept its role as an emerging soldier against this administration."

This kind of approach has raised concern among some Democrats, including those in the House Financial Services Committee, where Waters is planning to hold off the hammer next year if Democrats are the majority.

A Democratic member of the panel told The Hill that some committee members are worried about Waters' recent remarks about the confrontation of officials sign that she wants to lead a crusade against Trump.

"We have a division because some people are very concerned that it will push an ideological agenda," the legislator said. "We can have disagreements on the merits, and that's fine, I just want to make sure it does not become like a show."

Waters, who declined an interview for this article, said in a statement that she is eager to "Work with MPs on both sides of the table to find sensible solutions that will benefit American workers and strengthen the economy of our country. "

" She works very hard, she is influenced by certain things. " Ed Perlmutter Edwin (Ed) George Perlmutter The Democratic forces vote on the issue. GOP member's poster on the floor of the House The Democratic representative abandons the race in Colorado: report Obama lost to legislators at the golf course MORE (D-Colo.), Who serves with Waters on the panel Services financial. "She's also taking very tough positions, and you know Republicans do not like it and they try to push back but she's just as tough or harder than them."

Although Democrats generally hold the waters in high esteem His willingness to explore the limits of opposition to Trump has caused discomfort among some colleagues.

Waters was one of the first members of Congress to call for the removal of Trump and voted twice for resolutions that would begin the process. Democratic leaders have tried to ward off rumors of Trump's dismissal, a measure they consider premature and a distraction from their campaign message aimed at regaining control of the House.

But his supporters defended themselves after the onslaught of criticism. His most recent remarks, insisting that they were misinterpreted by critics and are not far from the violence that Trump advocated on the election campaign

"What Maxine and Her Generation Did has made this country a better country by protesting. "Cedric Richmond Cedric Levon RichmondRepublicans top Dems at the Charity Golf Game Rep Representative: Congress could reach an agreement on immigration if the White House does not have an agreement on immigration. was not involved Sunday Shows: Legislators, Trump Allies Discuss Russian Probe, Separation of Migrant Families MORE (D-La.), President of the Black Caucus of Congress, which Waters directed from 1997 to 1999. "She found that time saying," When you see them, protest. ""

Waters, who has served in the House since 1991, said his comments were a call for political pressure and not for violence. about civility should start with Trump's conduct.

Despite her abrasive public manner, some Democrats say she takes a different approach when it comes to getting things done at the committee level

"There are disagreements" Perlmutter said :

Waters worked with his Republican colleagues on important compromise bills, including a two-party flood insurance review package, which also allowed Democratic panel members, including some have deep ties to Wall Street, to continue the bipartisan measures she opposes.

Most Democratic Waters colleagues talk about her with respect and respect when asked for her work in Congress. calling her a studious and fearless leader.

People close to her say that she usually has public and private criticisms of her colleagues and that she will not be deterred by the controversy e surrounding her remarks anti-Trump

She did not dissuade her from telling her truth in a room surrounded by people who do not look like her, said her former assistant. scared, and she is not afraid. "

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