Maxine Waters on Schumer's Critique: Leadership Will Do Everything to Protect Their Power


Rep. Maxine Waters Maxine Moore WatersMaxine Waters responds to death threats: "You better shoot right" House GOP president: Death threats against Maxine Waters are "intolerable" Democrats can embrace voters swings in the polls Progressive D-Calif.) Said Sunday that she was surprised to see the leader of the Senate minority Charles Schumer Charles (Chuck) Ellis Schumer Night health care: the judge blocks the Kentucky Medicaid Job Requirements | Trump officials plan cuts to ObamaCare | House probes HHS office in charge of migrant children Overnight Health Care: Amazon enters the pharmacy sector | Two Republicans to play a central role in the fight against abortion Supreme Court | Lewandowski: Pelosi is not the leader of the PLUS Democratic Party (DN.Y.) Criticize her for publicly defending Trump's cabinet leaders, but noted that political leaders "will do everything that's right." they think "

" You know, I was surprised by Chuck Schumer Charles (Chuck) Ellis Schumer Night Health Care: Judge Blocks Kentucky Job Requirements Medicaid | The HHS office in charge of migrant children Night health care: Amazon enters the pharmacy trade | Two Republicans play a central role in the fight against the abortion of the Lewandowski Supreme Court: Pelosi n is not the leader of the Democratic Party you know you went into the other house to do that, "Waters said when MSNBC host Joy Reid asked her if she was surprised from his own party criticizing her. "I have not seen it before yet, but one of the things I recognize, being an elected one, is that in the final analysis, you know, leadership will do all that that he thinks necessary to protect his leadership. "

Waters' statement takes place about a week after Donald John TrumpScaramucci warns that Trump must" change tactics "on trade Trump is looking to buy a historic Scottish building for the hotel: Republican report wins to replace Farenthold in Congress PLUS [19659008] on its "zero tolerance" immigration policy.

Trump responded by falsely claiming that Waters called for harm to his supporters.Many legislators, including Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi Patricia Nancy D'Alesandro PelosiDemocrats, take note: The economy will win over voters Steyer fleet, quickly returns to "nuclear war" as "course correction" for Trump Obama: Pelosi will again chair after the half-time November MORE (D-Calif.), also condemned his remarks.

But Waters said that she chooses not to focus on the comments of other lawmakers.

"I have to keep the focus on children and the fact that this administration endangers children in the worst way," she said.

Waters said last week that she had been forced to cancel two public events because of a serious death threat that she had received. She then said Saturday at an immigration rally that anyone who tries to hurt her "would do better to shoot right.

"I know there are people talking about censoring me, chasing me out of Congress, shooting me, hanging me up," Waters told the crowd in Los Angeles. "All I have to say is this, if you shoot me, you better shoot directly, there is nothing like a wounded animal."

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