Maxine Waters reads the list of times Trump called for violence


representative Maxine WatersMaxine Moore WatersMaxine Waters reads the list of times that Trump has called for violence The GOP legislator calls Waters to resign, introduces a measure of Feehery censorship: high moral (D-Calif.) Monday replied to President TrumpDonald John TrumpCohen's lawyers support 12,000 articles protected by professional secrecy: reports A former employee of a migrant detention facility is leaking footage from the inside up to MSNBC Trump identifies the trail of Appalachian as a "Tallahassee Trail" by making fun of SanfordShe claims that she called for violence against her supporters by reading a list of times that Trump used violent rhetoric.

Waters appeared on MSNBC's "All In With Chris Hayes" after she said Trump misinterpreted his call on Saturday for protesters to face Trump officials in public.

"He calls for more violence than anyone else," the California legislator said.

She waved a piece of paper to read a list of times Trump talked about violence.
"Listen to some of his statements during his campaign and since he's been president," said Waters.

"I'd like to hit him in the face," Waters remembers.

"Another violent statement -" I would like to throw them shit, "said Waters.

"Another -" Maybe he should be bullied, "Waters remembers.

Waters also highlighted the moment when someone was removed from a May 2017 Trump rally in Massachusetts.

"Try not to hurt him but if you do, I will defend you in court, do not worry about it," said Trump.

"If it does not create violence and does not support violence, what is it?" Adds Waters. "I did not say anything like it."

The Democrat again challenged that she had told her supporters to physically harm Trump's supporters.

"Trump is the one who creates lies, trying to make people believe that I talked about harming people, there is nowhere in my statement at any time, no place where we talked about prejudice, "she said earlier Monday.

"The protest concerns the peaceful resistance to the kind of actions we are undergoing from this president," she added.

Trump attacked Waters on Monday, calling him "low IQ" and insinuating that she will face harassment for her remarks.

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